Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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You catch that today?
I only.........
.only I wish I would've caught 10 crappie:)
Yeah I caught 'em all this morning,plus a few small ones ......my fish story of the day ....
I usually retie every time I go fishing or at least check the line.....well I didn't this morning and the first cast I set the hook into a nice size...probably a 5 pounder +...AND THE LINE BROKE!...I had to take a 5 minute toke break to chill...lol
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Yeah I caught 'em all this morning,plus a few small ones ......my fish story of the day ....
I usually retie every time I go fishing or at least check the line.....well I didn't this morning and the first cast I set the hook into a nice size...probably a 5 pounder +...AND THE LINE BROKE!...I had to take a 5 minute toke break to chill...lol
You ever have issues with that baitcast messing up the line? I do it a couple times each trip.. lol
SGT when you put your string on your reel do you wind it the same direction it comes off the spool ?
i know it sounds weird but i used to have to load reels up when i worked on a charter boat and it was beat in my head to load them the same way it comes off the spool
SGT when you put your string on your reel do you wind it the same direction it comes off the spool ?
Not really. I put a pen or something through it and set it where it can spin and I use the first eye on my rod. The baitcast has a dial that goes back and fourth to line up the line equally.

I don't really have issues with the reel or anything, just when i change the way I cast or I forget to adjust the break when using a lighter bait, or hit a tree. haha.. The tree is a new one..
Don't hit a tree.. :lol:

You'll lost ALL your line.

And light tackles suck with that reel. I usually forget to adjust the break.
You have to thumb the spool while your cast is in the air...it takes a lot of practice but it helps with backlashes and your able to land the lure softly in the water.

The last time I had a bad backlash I hooked my buddy's ear on my back swing totally not expecting it;)..he was fine took me ten minutes to restore order...lol
You have to thumb the spool while your cast is in the air...it takes a lot of practice but it helps with backlashes and your able to land the lure softly in the water.

The last time I had a bad backlash I hooked my buddy's ear on my back swing totally not expecting it;)..he was fine took me ten minutes to restore order...lol
Yea, I hold my thumb there, but I don't let it touch the line while I cast, just put my thumb on it right before it hits the water, otherwise there is backlash.. It probably doesn't help that I have a cheap one, but I love how it casts.. Can you overhand cast with it? I can't I always have to go from the side, so it makes tight spots on the bank hard to fish for me.

The tree thing caught me off guard and before I had a chance to put my thumb down it was too late.
if you lay it flat with the line coming off the top of the spool and have some one hold it

its like the line is already shaped to the spool . i dunno just what i was taught
Your right only with a spincast reel you lay the spool of line flat with the label up and reel the line on that way
With a baitcaster you can stick something through the hole in the spool and reel the line on that way.:)
Yea, I hold my thumb there, but I don't let it touch the line while I cast, just put my thumb on it right before it hits the water, otherwise there is backlash.. It probably doesn't help that I have a cheap one, but I love how it casts.. Can you overhand cast with it? I can't I always have to go from the side, so it makes tight spots on the bank hard to fish for me.

The tree thing caught me off guard and before I had a chance to put my thumb down it was too late.
Gotta keep light pressure on the line throughout the cast.Learn to do this and you can cast against wind

Can I overhand???......dude I'm a professional amateur;)
i was a deckhand on a off shore boat
i saw one guy trying to sight cast a dolphin got excited and plant 2 of the 3 hooks on this chug ( like 10 inches of lure lol ) in the back of this dudes head .... were like 40 miles out and tell this guy hey we gotta push them through and cut them off he had 3 barbs in him we push the first one through and clip the barb .... he said fuck that im not going through that again pull it out i went to tugging on it and was dragging the guy around pretty much
so i cut the hook off the lure and we head in dude was like pacing around and we're prolly doing like 25 mph through some choppy shit trying to get him in he slips and the hook hung up on one of the tower legs and it jerks it out
guy was like gimme some ice lets go back fishing >.<
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