Will a feminized, 45-day auto crossed with sativa/indica make autoflower?


Active Member
Will a feminized, 45-day auto crossed with sativa/indica make autoflower?

Generally, NO.

You would have to take Autoflower X SATIVA pollen. Grow out a male and back cross it to (Sativa x Auto) x Auto. those seeds would then be auto.
Generally, NO.

You would have to take Autoflower X SATIVA pollen. Grow out a male and back cross it to (Sativa x Auto) x Auto. those seeds would then be auto.
auto is a recessive trait
so photo x auto will show nothing
( photo x auto ) x auto would maybe show 20 %
you would have to selectively breed siblings or a auto from the first cross for a few more gen's before it would be stable
takes 5 to lock it in a 9 gens to be stable enough to sell
A lot of people tend to think of the auto gene as it being recessive, when in fact I'd call it recessive dominate.

The auto gene is like the herpes genes of cannabis. Once infected it eventually is going to show up. It's like this... The auto plant would be aa (for the auto trait will use aa non auto AA)
Once you breed aa to AA you are going to end up with f1s that will be AA, Aa there is no way at this point at f1 you will have aa.
Now when breeding you'd take a large sample (multipot a are good for this) and than grow out those f1's look for the ones that show sex first, not a guarantee but more than likely those will be Aa, now hit that off with pollen from those f1's... Now we will have some AaxAa , AAxAA, AAxAa
Than you need to grow out those f2 beans and than you may see some that auto... At that point pick one that autos to use for the f3, than for the gal don't concern yourself with the auto trait (you'll have it at this point with the one that will auto at f2) now use that aa that you picked and pollinate the rest... Than key is to sample all the ladies and pick from the most potent and the ones that carry what your looking for the closes... Keep repeating and by f5 you'll have the auto trait down and also will have been breeding not just for the auto trait (as that should be the least important factor in making a new auto from a auto x photo) we need to take autos to next level and should be breeding for yield and potency IMHO. Well that's what my projects aims are and the method of how I am doing... If you want to get into hobby breeding do yourself a favor and avoid wasting time doing things "wrong" check out the two books Marijuana Botany by Clark and the Cannabis Breeders Bible by green. It's our responsibility even as hobby breeders to do things as right as possible otherwise we run the risk of running even further the genetics out there... Stress test during these breeding projects try and make the plants Hermie and see what they can take of they are Hermie proned easily than don't continue with the project.... If you need any further help feel free to Ask
best to grow your own pollen then you know what your getting
harlequin is a good choice but so is charlette's web
or anything by cbd crew honestly
i have some of their yummy strain im going to run a few and see what its like may breed a few of those for some personal
Is pollen usually purchased or grown?

THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR INFORMATION! THE LINK TO MY AUTOFLOWER IS https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/cream-of-the-crop-seeds-amphetamine-auto/prod_3688.html

NYC Diesel x Ruderalis.

EDIT: It seems that I would be better off crossing Ruderalis pollen with Harlequin, the high CBD strain.
Autoflowering is recessive. Your cross would be


Then you need to take plants from your cross and cross them again.

Xx to Xx

X x

x Xx xx

1/4 will be autoflowering. You will then take the fully auto plants and cross them again and you will be completely automatic.

Of course, locking down this trait is hardly the only important thing. To properly breed autoflowers really requires the ability to grow thousands if not millions of plants (if you want them to maintain potency of regulars - you'd need more than millions if it's even possible).
I agree with Yoda, except I wouldn't use my time/space breeding Ruderalis.
I don't want any herpes(aka Ruderalis) in my beans genes.

Yup... if you're a closet breeder Ruderalis is easily the worst choice.

A lot of people tend to think of the auto gene as it being recessive, when in fact I'd call it recessive dominate.

The auto gene is like the herpes genes of cannabis. Once infected it eventually is going to show up. It's like this... The auto plant would be aa (for the auto trait will use aa non auto AA)
Once you breed aa to AA you are going to end up with f1s that will be AA, Aa there is no way at this point at f1 you will have aa.
Now when breeding you'd take a large sample (multipot a are good for this) and than grow out those f1's look for the ones that show sex first, not a guarantee but more than likely those will be Aa, now hit that off with pollen from those f1's... Now we will have some AaxAa , AAxAA, AAxAa
Than you need to grow out those f2 beans and than you may see some that auto... At that point pick one that autos to use for the f3, than for the gal don't concern yourself with the auto trait (you'll have it at this point with the one that will auto at f2) now use that aa that you picked and pollinate the rest... Than key is to sample all the ladies and pick from the most potent and the ones that carry what your looking for the closes... Keep repeating and by f5 you'll have the auto trait down and also will have been breeding not just for the auto trait (as that should be the least important factor in making a new auto from a auto x photo) we need to take autos to next level and should be breeding for yield and potency IMHO. Well that's what my projects aims are and the method of how I am doing... If you want to get into hobby breeding do yourself a favor and avoid wasting time doing things "wrong" check out the two books Marijuana Botany by Clark and the Cannabis Breeders Bible by green. It's our responsibility even as hobby breeders to do things as right as possible otherwise we run the risk of running even further the genetics out there... Stress test during these breeding projects try and make the plants Hermie and see what they can take of they are Hermie proned easily than don't continue with the project.... If you need any further help feel free to Ask

I have noticed in some lines with autoflowering genetics that certain environmental conditions can trigger it in plants that otherwise do not autoflower. It does seem to have an epigenetic component.

That said, you can lock it down by F3. Of course what you have will be inferior to the original sativa mom, since i assume that's the effect you're looking for. And it will likely stay that way forever. And to truly lock down the autoflowering gene or genes in what is also a potent plant will require insane plant numbers (to mimick the effect of the say Haze) if it's even possible.

You need to cross those, and then cross the siblings again which will give you 25% autoflowering offspring. Or cross the seeds with a full auto, which will give you 75% autoflowering offspring.

Also, auto's are not inferior to photos if you make them well... Good breeding to get a potent auto version of a photo would include enough backcrossing to make the auto gene basically the onyl gene left over from the ruderalis genetics. And if you start with an already good auto as your base, that one prob already had few other ruderalis genes, so your new auto lie will be even farther removed from ruderalis in every way aside from autoflowering.