AMA - UncleBuck

Would you consider yourself happily married? I get the impression from these posts that you may be separating. (why don't we have a multi quote button? R.I.U.'s method of MQ is tedious)

Are you over 35?

not separating, but this move was so miserable that i considered leaving at times. so i guess it's not so happily married at this point in time.
Why do you think Kynes and a lot of the other regulars in politics are so ignorant when it comes to science, and yet so vocal when it comes to talking about science? What do you think will eventually happen to people like that?
Why do you think Kynes and a lot of the other regulars in politics are so ignorant when it comes to science, and yet so vocal when it comes to talking about science? What do you think will eventually happen to people like that?

kynes is not ignorant to science, he knows exactly the deception he is trying to pull.

i think he will continue to co-habitate with his mother and 7 other family members in a domicile woefully small for their numbers and continue pounding away at his $11 an hour job as a 40-something year old grown man, simply hoping that the benevolent job creators recognize his worth.

best to just have a laugh at his expense and move on.
What's your opinion of Obama and has it changed since he became president?

i harbored no delusions, i knew he would not prosecute the previous administration for war crimes or any of that other shit that got brought up back then.

i think he's done a shit job in some places and an outstanding job in others, but the main thing i have realized about him is that he is a troll. a really, really good troll. had no idea about that back when he was campaigning, he seemed like just a really good politician.
i harbored no delusions, i knew he would not prosecute the previous administration for war crimes or any of that other shit that got brought up back then.

i think he's done a shit job in some places and an outstanding job in others, but the main thing i have realized about him is that he is a troll. a really, really good troll. had no idea about that back when he was campaigning, he seemed like just a really good politician.

I feel just about the same way

What would you do if you won/inherited $50 million?
I feel just about the same way

What would you do if you won/inherited $50 million?

buy property in california to snowbird, establish a small working farm in portland which my neighbor could live on, dole out some to the fam, and do nothing different.

i'd troll the shit out of you guys every day.
Is it crazy to think you Could wake up a different creature every time you fell asleep?

Did you know that everytime is not a word?

Did you know my auto correct is suggesting other non-words?

Is it crazy to think you Could wake up a different creature every time you fell asleep?

i don't believe in reincarnation, but it's not a priori impossible. but yes, you would have to be crazy to think that you could literally "wake up" as a biologically reconstructed being in that amount of time.

Did you know that everytime is not a word?

honestly, no. seems like it might be. we can make it a word.

Did you know my auto correct is suggesting other non-words?

View attachment 3155031

i did not know that.
What if We are designed to endure a life of everything that is "living" on this planet? Would people think life is short then?
Have you ever had a threesome? eaten belly button lint? licked your wife's armpit? kissed a frog? or vice versa?

Do you like me? hate me? Am I worthy? Are you? Why?
will red19666 marry me? will anyone?
Dare you eat a peach?
guaranteed minimum income

How many hours would be required in your eyes, for a person to be worthy of receiveing a living wage, regardless of the job they are doing?

What particulars is this living wage suppose to cover? Food, shelter and clothing, or are they also entitled to a pony and a red sports car?
i harbored no delusions, i knew he would not prosecute the previous administration for war crimes or any of that other shit that got brought up back then.

i think he's done a shit job in some places and an outstanding job in others, but the main thing i have realized about him is that he is a troll. a really, really good troll. had no idea about that back when he was campaigning, he seemed like just a really good politician.

Did you feel Obama was qualified for the job of president though? I thought he was (and is) extremely under qualified and lacked any real experience...