How about an 18/12 light cycle?

Good idea, or Bad?

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Well-Known Member
Hey Shippey123:

If you wanted some evidence of plants responding to batshit crazy growing conditions, doing brilliantly despite all normal growing logic, checkout this latest bit of research,-mines.html

I think this says enough to those shooting this down based on the standard practice of 12/12 ONLY. Sure, 12/12 might be optimum, sure 12/12 might be the best, it might be the easiest, the most convenience, and the most similar to fitting into the fact that the earth orbits the sun in a 24hour period. However, it might just work! Doing research like you are on the science (regarding light wave length and photoperiod) is what will get you closer to an answer without testing - or allow you to form a tighter hypothesis to test


Active Member
That's actually pretty cool, I wanna grow in a cave! But I've heard of doing similar thing with weed. Like if your growing a sativa indoors and you cool the stalk down about 10° everyday before lights on it will stunt the hight but not the bud growth.


Well-Known Member
That's actually pretty cool, I wanna grow in a cave! But I've heard of doing similar thing with weed. Like if your growing a sativa indoors and you cool the stalk down about 10° everyday before lights on it will stunt the hight but not the bud growth.
Bro, I hear if you release some semen on your buds while flowering it helps.. I could show you the thread if you want :wall:

You didn't respond to my earlier post, but according to your hypothesis why not do 24/12 or 36/12?


Active Member
Haha I'm not falling for that one, and nothing would ever get done around the house if I started doing that!
Sorry I didn't reply to your earlier post, and I did think about that as well. I mean if I'm going to extended the daylight, how much should do it by? Idk.. but like everyone else sees it the plants are used to living under a 24 hour schedule, and extendeding it by to much might be a little stressful for now (still don't know) I don't see why a few strains wouldn't be able to adapt to longer 40+ hour days over time though. Right now I'm thinking about running 18/4 through veg, and then just increasing my dark to 18/12 to make it bloom.
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Well-Known Member
Sounds like a pretty good plan, I like that you are trti g new things. I think most of the negativity was due to people not being able to wrap their head around a 7 day schedule and not just a day to day basis. I look at it almost like working out. You are supposed to do a minimum amount of rest between sessions so most people go off a 7 day week, but too be honest I go off a 10-14 day schedule and workout as soon as I hit my rest period minimums. Keep us updated, I will be dubbed in!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a pretty good plan, I like that you are trti g new things. I think most of the negativity was due to people not being able to wrap their head around a 7 day schedule and not just a day to day basis. I look at it almost like working out. You are supposed to do a minimum amount of rest between sessions so most people go off a 7 day week, but too be honest I go off a 10-14 day schedule and workout as soon as I hit my rest period minimums. Keep us updated, I will be dubbed in!
Nah... Mostly due to plants being genetically hard-coded to be able to survive on a planet that takes 23 hours, 56 minutes and about 4.1 seconds to spin around once. how much of that 23.93 hours is actual daylight obviously varies depending on where you are located on the planet and what time of year it is, so some plants respond better to varying durations of light / night at various stages in their growth cycle, but at the end of the day extremely unusual conditions for a plant typically results in stress which can have a number of negative effects on it's development. That's what the "negativity" is about.


Well-Known Member
I think the negativity is funny. Peeps talking about planets and the plants knowing what planet they are on, lol, now that's funny. So what about my plants in veg that are on 24-7, do they think they are on another planet? Shippey you are not alone in wondering this, I have put some thought into this myself. Do plants only need the 12 hours to trigger, how do the plant's know how many hours are in a day? How have landrace plants adapted with other landraces in other regions of the planet? It's a very resourceful plant, I'm pretty sure it can adapt to a weird lite schedule. I just got done growing on a 11/13 cycle, how can that be if its engineered to bloom on 12/12. Keep doing what your doing Shippey, seems like you're a little more advanced than these nay sayers, It was someone like you who thought, "what would happen if we cross a Indy with a sativa????" Respect for asking, but I would have ran the experiment without saying something, I mean if you found out that your little study yields an extra pound a plant, you really gonna tell the whole world, or keep it to yourself? I know what I would do.


Well-Known Member
I think the negativity is funny. Peeps talking about planets and the plants knowing what planet they are on, lol, now that's funny. So what about my plants in veg that are on 24-7, do they think they are on another planet? Shippey you are not alone in wondering this, I have put some thought into this myself. Do plants only need the 12 hours to trigger, how do the plant's know how many hours are in a day? How have landrace plants adapted with other landraces in other regions of the planet? It's a very resourceful plant, I'm pretty sure it can adapt to a weird lite schedule. I just got done growing on a 11/13 cycle, how can that be if its engineered to bloom on 12/12. Keep doing what your doing Shippey, seems like you're a little more advanced than these nay sayers, It was someone like you who thought, "what would happen if we cross a Indy with a sativa????" Respect for asking, but I would have ran the experiment without saying something, I mean if you found out that your little study yields an extra pound a plant, you really gonna tell the whole world, or keep it to yourself? I know what I would do.
Yeah it is hilarious :roll:. Sure - the plants don't "know" they're on a certain planet, but their DNA knows when something's fucked up to an extent. I never said it wouldn't work - just suggesting that it could be more stressful than beneficial. Making up random numbers is not being "a little more advanced", but I admire the motivation behind the idea. Is it a good idea? We won't know until it's tested. Is it unusual and most likely stressful to a plant to have absurd hours of lighting based on nothing but a hunch? Certainly.


Active Member
I wasn't to sure about the idea when I first started looking for answers, but after not coming up with close to nothing and not hearing any debatable reason not to. I've decided that I want to do this not only to find out for myself but also to have an answer for the next person who's wondering what if?


Well-Known Member
Yeah it is hilarious :roll:. Sure - the plants don't "know" they're on a certain planet, but their DNA knows when something's fucked up to an extent. I never said it wouldn't work - just suggesting that it could be more stressful than beneficial. Making up random numbers is not being "a little more advanced", but I admire the motivation behind the idea. Is it a good idea? We won't know until it's tested. Is it unusual and most likely stressful to a plant to have absurd hours of lighting based on nothing but a hunch? Certainly.
Thinking outside the box and finding out for yourself instead of taking someone's word as gospel is a little more advanced. How did we ever learn scrog, or auto's, or fems? From advanced cats like shippey thinking outside the box. Have we decoded the DNA of cannabis yet? How do you know it's not hidden in there somewhere? You seem simple, again if they are on 24 from seed how do they know what a day is? Man is the one who has put a number to the days, not the plants. Has the planet had this light cycle from the beginning?


Active Member
Ayr0n I do see how this can be potentially stressful but look at it this way. I'm going to put them through veg with an 18/4 light cycle. Then when they go into bloom I'm simply going to increase the night time to 12 hours while keeping the 18 hour day cycle.


Well-Known Member
Thinking outside the box and finding out for yourself instead of taking someone's word as gospel is a little more advanced. How did we ever learn scrog, or auto's, or fems? From advanced cats like shippey thinking outside the box. Have we decoded the DNA of cannabis yet? How do you know it's not hidden in there somewhere? You seem simple, again if they are on 24 from seed how do they know what a day is? Man is the one who has put a number to the days, not the plants. Has the planet had this light cycle from the beginning?
Yeah bro I'm simple. Hey let's hang plants upside down with lights on the floor, microwave our seeds before we put them into germ, and use vodka for nutes. Am I advanced now? If someone disagreeing with something that you agree with makes them "simple" in your eyes then I'm about as advanced as a single celled organism. Signing on to a theory before it's been tested - now that's simple.
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Well-Known Member
Ayr0n I do see how this can be potentially stressful but look at it this way. I'm going to put them through veg with an 18/4 light cycle. Then when they go into bloom I'm simply going to increase the night time to 12 hours while keeping the 18 hour day cycle.
I'd be really curious to see the results. Honestly I hope it does work and you get a huge yield. Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro I'm simple. Hey let's hang plants upside down with lights on the floor, microwave our seeds before we put them into germ, and use vodka for nutes. Am I advanced now?
wow, you must be simple, ever seen a spinning barrel with plant's lining the inside and a light in the middle, I have. You are more simple and ignorant than you know. Educate yourself a little bro, you still have a lot to learn, fuck why not grow directly in the nutes? Oh shit they do, fuck how do they grow plants in space? It's all so mind boggling!!!


Well-Known Member
Ayr0n I do see how this can be potentially stressful but look at it this way. I'm going to put them through veg with an 18/4 light cycle. Then when they go into bloom I'm simply going to increase the night time to 12 hours while keeping the 18 hour day cycle.
No, start 24 in veg and hit them with 13 dark, then 17 hours light for you bloom. If your serious about doing it, do it.


Well-Known Member
wow, you must be simple, ever seen a spinning barrel with plant's lining the inside and a light in the middle, I have. You are more simple and ignorant than you know. Educate yourself a little bro, you still have a lot to learn, fuck why not grow directly in the nutes? Oh shit they do, fuck how do they grow plants in space? It's all so mind boggling!!!
Well...I'm going to stop hijacking this dudes thread just to argue with you about the complexity of my thought process. Before I dip out, I encourage you to read through the thread again and to try using that advanced brain of yours to understand what I was really saying. pe@ce.

Intelligent person in an argument: Tries to explain their reasoning and why the other person is wrong. Attempts to make the other person relate to where they are coming from, and uses real world examples to prove their case.

Simple Motherfucker in an argument: You don't agree with me? You must be wrong. You're simple.
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Active Member
If this works out I don't see why the method couldn't be applied to even more day light hours. Say start them under a 24 hour light cycle and then add your 12 hours of night when your ready for a 24/12 bloom cycle. The only potential downfall to doing this is the plant still needs the same amount of night time to reach maturation


Active Member
Sorry hazydat I didn't see your post before I got mine up there. I'm still not entirely sure as to what hours I want to start with. I want it to be enough to make a noticeable difference, but not to much to over stress the plant.


Well-Known Member
If this works out I don't see why the method couldn't be applied to even more day light hours. Say start them under a 24 hour light cycle and then add your 12 hours of night when your ready for a 24/12 bloom cycle. The only potential downfall to doing this is the plant still needs the same amount of night time to reach maturation
Exactly, make the light cycle how ever long you want, but start em 24 so they have no clue.


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro I'm simple. Hey let's hang plants upside down with lights on the floor, microwave our seeds before we put them into germ, and use vodka for nutes. Am I advanced now? If someone disagreeing with something that you agree with makes them "simple" in your eyes then I'm about as advanced as a single celled organism. Signing on to a theory before it's been tested - now that's simple.
Yo, I have never grown cannabis but you CAN grow plants upside down...that's what a forum like this is about correct? The OP asked for your opinion and you gave it but you continue to put others down when they want the OP to experiment. A forum is for ideas and not bashing anyone who thinks different from you.