Science has proven God exists...

That's a cop out.

Good presidents are great leaders who inspire congress to do things.

I know the budget is something congress does, but it's the president's job go get congress moving.
You're a Reagan guy huh? I didn't say Obama was a leader or a good president - just saying that the two parties are way too divided right now and can't agree on anything. They go as far as flipping on issues when the other side agrees on something. No one is concerned with the "issues" themselves, only satisfying their base and lining their pockets. We won't have another "good president" until normal people (ie; not wealthy / connected with wealthy people) have a fair shake at an election. I guarantee not 1 person in Congress or the Senate can relate to either me or you in any way and therefore none of them can "represent" us or our best interests - they can just pretend to in exchange for a vote.
Wasn't sure if you possessed any lateral thinking skills.
It makes sense. You just don't want to admit it.
Your gen made a big mess. Now they not only don't want to clean it up, they want to prevent others from being their janitor.
How's that compute?
Did ya just follow orders or did the devil make ya do it?

While I have your attention: How does a computer scientist feel qualified to question the data and conclusions of a whole field (climatology)?
Care to answer?
Or do i get more bitter old man drinking coffee over his morning paper fuck you one liners?
[btw: I'm very sympathetic towards older men. I'll be one soon.]

Ah I thought you were just following order.

Now I am sure
Wasn't sure if you possessed any lateral thinking skills.
It makes sense. You just don't want to admit it.
Your gen made a big mess. Now they not only don't want to clean it up, they want to prevent others from being their janitor.
How's that compute?
Did ya just follow orders or did the devil make ya do it?

While I have your attention: How does a computer scientist feel qualified to question the data and conclusions of a whole field (climatology)?
Care to answer?
Or do i get more bitter old man drinking coffee over his morning paper fuck you one liners?
[btw: I'm very sympathetic towards older men. I'll be one soon.]

No wonder you seem confused. You are just following orders from a baby brain if you try to blame me.

I am very happy with my contribution.
No wonder you seem confused. You are just following orders from a baby brain if you try to blame me.

I am very happy with my contribution.

Didn't get it?
Your a logic driven type with 0 lateral thinking skills.
Won't answer the question?
Your a phony and deception is your tool.

I'm pretty sure I've got your number.
No, I'm active unlisted. You only make you think that, but it doesn't matter anyway, because it is so dumb.

MOM!!!! He has my number!!!!!

Shut up, kid. There are plenty more. Be happy with your contribution.

Gonna send those welfare bums right back to work
Gonna start a war before 84
Start a dirty war in El Salvador
Gonna start a war before 84
Gonna back the contras and apartheid
Gonna start a war before 84
Then I'll win the election by a landslide

Ronnie and Mags, Maggie and Ron
Lets get together build a neutron bomb
(Ronnie and Mags)
Maggie and Ron, Ronnie and Mags
Lets go to Grenada gonna fly our flags

Gonna privatize shut down some mines
Gonna start a war before 84
Gonna back Khmer Rouge and Apartheid
Gonna start a war before 84+
Feed a slice of cake to Bobby Sands
Gonna start a war before 84
Spend a holiday in the Falklands

(Maggie and Ron)
Ronnie and Mags, Maggie and Ron
Gonna get the hostages from Iran
(Ronnie and Mags)
Maggie and Ron, Ronnie and Mags
Lets go to Grenada and the Falklands

Dont stop

Ronnie and Mags, Denis and Mags
We know exactly who is wearing the pants
(Maggie and Ron)
Denis and Mags, Maggie and Ron
Lets have a force and build a neutron bomb
Does rape porn go
^^truly inspiring

tell mom i say hi
I will for you later on.
We're going out for some nice non-Pacific (ie non radioactive) seafood then who knows?
Fukushima was intentional to control population growth, did you know that?
thanks H. Give her my best.
Nuts to nukes bro.
Or something like that
I pity you

I'm serious
Says the guy who jerks off to women being force fucked...

Its probably cos it's the only way you get it, but I pity YOU Padawan.

There's treatment programmes for people like you, the first step is accepting that the Lord can cure anything, even the "gay condition" that the leftist media has polluted some people's minds with.
Says the guy who jerks off to women being force fucked...

Its probably cos it's the only way you get it, but I pity YOU Padawan.

There's treatment programmes for people like you, the first step is accepting that the Lord can cure anything, even the "gay condition" that the leftist media has polluted some people's minds with.

Tell me again how it is you would know what I jerk off to?

Oh right, you wouldn't

You've got personal grudges against multiple people over the internet you've never met - strangers

That is fucking sad, man. Go outside and get some sun or something. It would probably benefit your well being to avoid RIU, even for just a few days