Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

The only place you can then live is either the Antarctic or international waters...

THATS the real world.

Id love for a pure Libertarian world...but it aint gonna happen bro.

A person can live as a Voluntarist or try to, but it is true that sometimes concession to coercive types must be considered in how to navigate thru life. I have a standing invitation to live with the Mole People and the Moorlocks, but I'd miss you guys as underground internet reception is pretty bad.
You can do what you want with your property, but when you use it to initiate aggression against another persons property (their face) it would be wrong, unless it is to defensively repel another.

oh, so you are a prohibitionist and like telling people what they can do with their property.

you have no problem with racist business owners initiating racist aggression and hostyility against blacks, but if someone wants to initiate aggression against an old racist fucktard like yourself, all of a sudden it's a problem.

you racist prohibitionist hypocrite.
Removing people from occupied land requires force if the people being removed were there first, then the removing party is the aggressor.

the racist prohibitionist hypocrite lives on land stolen from natives.

yet another example of his racist hypocrisy.
Most of the "real world" systems have institutional violence or threats of violence built into them. I want no part of feeding that.

you feed that every time you defend the right of racist to initiate racist aggression and hostility against blacks who simply want to buy what they're selling, you racist prohibitionist hypocrite.
oh, so you are a prohibitionist and like telling people what they can do with their property.

you have no problem with racist business owners initiating racist aggression and hostyility against blacks, but if someone wants to initiate aggression against an old racist fucktard like yourself, all of a sudden it's a problem.

you racist prohibitionist hypocrite.

What is "hostyility" ? Is that a word you just made up or did the gerbil and his friends scratch you at an inopportune time causing a minor eruption?