I.S.A.S s.or outdoor 2014

It helps that there right next to a beautiful flowing creek so when there's a breeze it cools down..and a quick swim
Ahhh yeah they get a nice little breeze and that's sick some swimming holes right there. I'd be laying in those from 11am to 5pm every day hahaha.
decent ill get an update tonight. hit some freak 101 degree weather but the girls are looking good Whats up DT.
Yoooo man just harvesting that indoor the Mk is seriously some of the darkest shit iv seen/grown.
And getting a shit load of autos in. And took abunch of clones of the mk for outdoor. I'm shutting down the indoor for the summer toooo hot!..... How's the indoor going for you heat wise? Have you flipped to 12/12 yet?

I hate waiting for updates especially in weather like this! that dreaded call " the plants all died" is my biggest fear right now! DT?
Yeah man that would be horrible, my forecast says it is supposed to be cooling down starting tomorrow so good news for all of us.
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View attachment 3152482 View attachment 3152479 View attachment 3152477 View attachment 3152475 View attachment 3152410 Plants are in the ground!!
Not a wonderful experience given the 90 degree weather!
First pic is my sour diesel, the next two are kinks tut, the little shorty is bc road kill, then my guard wolf checking out the diesel making sure it's at the right depth. Then an overview of the site before I started. There is 1.75 cubic yards per hole of 50% "subcool" super soil I mixed and 50% "Chet mix" a local soil mix designed for cannabis that I amended with happy frog all purpose! They are very happy in there new homes!

Your pup is so cute! bongsmilie My Jax can be destructive with his butt scratching fetish lol

I hate waiting for updates especially in weather like this! that dreaded call " the plants all died" is my biggest fear right now! DT?
I know bro I was keeping a close eye . I did lose one 818 not sure what the prob was but she wilted over ad dried up within a matter of 48 hours went from only one shoot looking like this to this overall the room looks good I think this one got root rot I DKNT know how except that their night temps have not dropped into the 70s for almost a week so high night temps 75-80 night temps 75-90 day temps.
I salvaged what I could from there and got a few clones they are lush and perky nothing like the plant they came off
@SFguy When growing in buckets I also put holes in the sides of the buckets 1 or 2 inches from the bottom. Helps the roots access oxygen easier I would think. The buckets have a kind of lip at the bottom which may obstruct oxygen flow to deep roots. Just a thought
Totally on my to do list. I got a ton of pot off craigslist about 150 for 15 bucks I may just do a sog in #5 nursery pots wich aw actualy 3 gallons
shouldn't they be bigger? also I worry about your light schedule if they are that old...they could flower when you put them out..
You were absolutely right...my king tut was really old because I decided to put out the original mother plant and she went strait into flower


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Sorry for the gap in posts, been busy with family and got to take a vacation back home to So Cal!! My dad gave me some amazing genetics from Catalina Island! It's an heirloom strain that him and his buddy's have been growing for years. Anyway... Plants are good. Real good!!

  1. islandstyleMember
    So this is my first thread, First large outdoor season, so any advice would be awesome! I'm a ommp grower for myself and two patients and grow in accordance to ALL ommp guidelines

    Blue city diesel
    Kink tut
    Bc road kill
    Sour diesel "northern cut"
    Possibly, grape ape and killing field (the grape ape clone is a little wonky and KF is a really long grow)


    4 bags ffof
    10 pounds coco coir
    1 pound happy frog all purpose
    5 pounds bat guano(high phos)
    5 pounds worm castings
    2 pounds bone meal

    Top soil
    6 bags ffof
    10 pounds coco coir
    5 pounds worm castings
    5 pounds bat guano(high nitrogen)
    1 pound happy frog all purpose
    1 pound myco

    2x3x 2.5 deep in ground holes excellent drainage lined with chicken wire and inoculated

    Fresh water from large creek

    Full sun

    Fully secured

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