BHO Consistancy


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys, ran a run today, first one! Vacccuum purge and heat purged at 120... The final product is nice and amber and see through.

I want it to be more sappy, Would i increase the temp when purging and to what. I want it to be easy to scoop. I hate when the stuff breaks and flys everywhere!

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
For more of a sap consistency id start at 135°f and slowly increase to 145-150°f. This should give you a sap. The longer and higher you heat the more runny it will be as decarb has begun


Well-Known Member
What LL said.

It is time at temperature and how you do it, affects the ratio of THC/CBN. Hotter and quicker produces less CBN, but control is more difficult because of the faster speed.

A brief heat in a thin film with a heat gun would also work. If you do it on parchment and then stick it in the freezer, you can save scraping.

See attached decarboxylation cart, compliments of Jump 117.

Decarboxylation Graph-1-1.jpg


I think sap is the hardest to achieve out of all the different forms, it's hard cuz you gotta find that perfect temp! Too low you'll get shatter, too high you'll get honeycomb.


Well-Known Member
lol ive noticed anything with lots of terpenes is more pull an snap sap.. or what i like to call Taffy . i did a nug run with some chemdawg.. and lets just say.. its alot softer then my trim runs for sure


Well-Known Member
that snap is fats and wax, most of the time..stretch it and it lightens kinda like plastic. gross imo.

terp filled hash is just goop like jelly