Science has proven God exists...


Well-Known Member
Dude, you don't need to say it to mean it. You've explicitly said/inferred/proposed/suggested as much. I'm sitting here wondering how you can't understand that.. It truly baffles me..

Thank you for providing an example of the previous point I made.

"It's the race, not the individual" - zero evidence, faulty anecdotes, logical fallacies..

Because I don't understand how intelligence can possibly be overrated. "You're too smart" is nonsense. Get fucked with that shit.
An intelligent person, with no other positive character traits, like diligence, hard working, et cetera, will be a worthless fuck.


Well-Known Member
An intelligent person, with no other positive character traits, like diligence, hard working, et cetera, will be a worthless fuck.
Why would an "intelligent person" lack diligence and a work ethic?

Why would an intelligent person say that a person who lacks diligence and a work ethic would be intelligent?


Well-Known Member
Why would an "intelligent person" lack diligence and a work ethic?

Why would an intelligent person say that a person who lacks diligence and a work ethic would be intelligent?
Maybe you don't get out much.

I've met lots of smart people who were completely useless.

I mean, shit, I'm a pretty good example of it. I graduated undergrad with honors, scored really well on the LSAT, never got a bad grade in law school, even made deans list twice.

Then I wound up on heroin after yet another knee surgery and a huge bottle of percocet.

Intelligence is important, but with nothing more, it is useless.

Fuck Obama is super smart, but he can't get shit done. Why? Because he has poor leadership qualities. No one wants to follow him. He couldn't even get his super majority to do much with him his first two years.

I saw it in law school. Almost without fail, the hardest working students did the best, and they weren't always the smartest.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe you don't get out much.

I've met lots of smart people who were completely useless.

I mean, shit, I'm a pretty good example of it. I graduated undergrad with honors, scored really well on the LSAT, never got a bad grade in law school, even made deans list twice.

Then I wound up on heroin after yet another knee surgery and a huge bottle of percocet.

Intelligence is important, but with nothing more, it is useless.

Fuck Obama is super smart, but he can't get shit done. Why? Because he has poor leadership qualities. No one wants to follow him. He couldn't even get his super majority to do much with him his first two years.

I saw it in law school. Almost without fail, the hardest working students did the best, and they weren't always the smartest.
You are talking about things you know nothing about, again

Intelligence encompases all aspects of a person. It has nothing to do with "anything more"

If you're not intelligent, you are useless

Obama "can't get shit done" because your expectation of how politics works is wrong

Interesting anecdote, tell it to someone who cares


Well-Known Member
You are talking about things you know nothing about, again

Intelligence encompases all aspects of a person. It has nothing to do with "anything more"

If you're not intelligent, you are useless

Obama "can't get shit done" because your expectation of how politics works is wrong

Interesting anecdote, tell it to someone who cares
You mean his party didn't hold both houses of Congress the first two years of his reign, and he got more than a health care law without a public option?


Well-Known Member
That's true, but they are pretty close to the same thing.
I would say smart involves more application.
While intelligence is the ability to comprehend.
I agree.
Smart people do well.
Brilliant people not so well often.
Mensa types are often fucked.

Our IQ testing looks for certain things.
Emotional intelligence is not one of them. This is a critical skill set in life.
Lacking it is fatal.
Go to mensa. You'll see.
The worst thing you can do to someone under 30 is tell them their IQ.


Well-Known Member
I agree.
Smart people do well.
Brilliant people not so well often.
Mensa types are often fucked.

Our IQ testing looks for certain things.
Emotional intelligence is not one of them. This is a critical skill set in life.
Lacking it is fatal.
Go to mensa. You'll see.
The worst thing you can do to someone under 30 is tell them their IQ.
IQ testing is fundamentally flawed, its just ANOTHER method the overlords have of suppressing the sheeple.

Wake up, bro.


Well-Known Member
IQ testing is fundamentally flawed, its just ANOTHER method the overlords have of suppressing the sheeple.

Wake up, bro.
I tested at 58. So I figured the psychologist was an Illuminati. I followed him home from work one day so I knew where he lived. Burned that motherfucking house to the cinders bro. But first I entertained him with a blowtorch. Now I'm working those bastards from the INSIDE!
You seem sympathetic to our cause. Could we use your basement as a safehouse? We're running an op out of Ireland. Our target involves several Illumaniti posing as royals as well as 2-4 Bilderbergs. I promise we won't bother the ladies.
just give it a thought. I'll pm you my tor info. We'll talk bro.


Well-Known Member
It isn't really a cosmic lottery canna.

it's more of a cosmic fire shelter.

If I'm being honest I've always had a tough time believing hell as described. So heaven is this place where God is and it's paradise.

But hell is a place of eternal torture? The worst part is Christians often say god created us, and planned out our destiny.

That means god created souls just to be tortured? Sounds kind of sadistic.

Hell, if it exists has to me much more neutral. And instead of paradise, it is just absence from the presence of God.
ever hear of the old testament?


Well-Known Member
Man is God, that's the fallacy.

We are so egotistical, we made all knowing, all powerful anthropomorphic figure, but it is really man, and about our insecurity.
Close but after a lifetime (since my 20s, now 62) of guru meditation, I understand there is much more to self than we grasp, day to day.

So, man is not God, but to me the higher aspects of SELF are universal and very powerfully GOOD.

i just add another letter. Man is GOOD.

That is what we all want. And it has not an ounce of woo-woo, or any stricture.

God is Mans highest SELF. Very real and not just hope for faith and belief in old stories, is how I see. So, even the religions are not wrong,

They look in the wrong direction, like the story of Plato's Cave.

The Universe is our Father, but not necessarily our Creator. And since I can imagine the imagine impinging me, endless and boundless SELF without even Identity, I can understand that the Universe needs no Creator.

In fact in Quantum Physics, it is looking like we create it all by observing. It is called Continuous Creation Model, as the only explanation so far the fact that we cannot find NOW in science,

Is one googleplex of a second, NOW, or is it 1/2 of that? See what I mean? It is already gone but it is still NOW.

You cannot define NOW with math.

We create REALITY, as we go?

(this is the opposite of Ayn Rand Objectivity-Illusion)

We may be creating it all by force of SELF WILL so as to know GOOD in all its aspects.


Well-Known Member
Plenty of old people think that they know shit just because they are old. Granted, you have had more time to learn and experience but you have also had more time to get filled with horse shit that seems like good ideas.

Just because you're old doesn't mean everything you say is correct.


Well-Known Member
You will feel very stupid about your youth if you make it far enough.

It is the way of humans to think the elders screwed it up.

It was screwed up when we got here.


Well-Known Member
You will feel very stupid about your youth if you make it far enough.
It is the way of humans to think the elders screwed it up.
It was screwed up when we got here.
There is no creation
Just sublimation

I like that. I think I'll trademark that.

It's not as good as the Nuremburg Defense but hey


Well-Known Member
At least it made some sense.

What does the N-Defense have to do with anything?

The devil made me do it?


Well-Known Member
The wonder of maturity is that we know we don't know much,

But we see we have learned a lot compared to the youts that think they know it all.


Well-Known Member
The secret is the yout can't see the horseshit you call real.

The elders are busy shoveling it out of their minds.