Well-Known Member
Clearly science is just a left wing conspiracy.
i like how eager you are to defend racist thieves.
I believe animal and plant life evolved over the six days it took God to create it.You don't know/understand enough about how the human body works or evolved to make such a decision.
You don't accept evolution from what I've gathered throughout our history together on RIU
This is a pretty big obstacle to understanding how each human being is genetically nearly identical, regardless of their age, race, religion, sexual orientation, work ethic, health, skin color, driving ability, attractiveness, scent, height or weight.
Probably why you hold such views in the first place..
"If you're born that way, you're A-OK!, but if not, you're not squat!" should be your campaign slogan, it's so retarded
"Suppose whites are less intelligent because they have an inferior brain genetically. I don't hate them for it. It isn't their fault. And they are no less of a person because of it."
If someone said that to your face, how would you react?
I believe animal and plant life evolved over the six days it took God to create it.
Oh wait, that's just what you think I think.
I fully buy into evolution. As a lay person, I defer to the experts in non controversial areas of scientific research.
Where political correctness is concerned, science goes out the window and and conclusion are drawn, that get very elaborate to explain simple things.
If someone said to me whites are inferior, I would ask for evidence. Inferior to whom? There really isn't much as white countries have dominated the world for 500 years.
Blacks countries can't even feed themselves.
My statement has supporting evidence. Your statement is laughable.
The fact is that my opinion on the issue has been accepted as fact until recent history, where it became politically incorrect. Science has grasped at straws and it shows. Culture has you brain washed.
"All human populations are over 99% genetically the same, there can't be a difference in cognative ability."
We're 98% same genetics as chimps. So it doesn't take hardly any difference at all to go from a chimpanzee to Newton and Einstein.
I don't disagree with much in your statement above.Your opinion is fact and science is grasping at straws...
OK, I said it once, here it goes again. We're not talking about chimps. We're talking about humans. If you don't know that they are different organisms, please refrain from opining on genetics. You keep saying that humans have 96% of the same genetics but that is not phenotypic it is sequence and it is because they are the evolutionary cousin of our species. You are comparing apples and oranges and you sound fucking stupid. You are comparing white people to black people as though they were different species.
Now, more than 98% of the phenotypic traits are present in the indigenous inhabitants of every continent. I'm still talking about humans. Try to follow.
Let's focus on traits having to do with intelligence. If intelligence were the result of some specific phenotype or even several, and one group of people had this while another did not, you would not find anyone in the second group who had it.
However, there are indeed smart people and even geniuses among the indigenous inhabitants of every continent.
Indeed there are more from one than from another. That this phenotypic trait or set of traits is expressed less is therefore (deductively follows) a result of some factor other than genetic.
I thought I'd have a bit of fun with the word, a play on the phrase "native intelligence. "You can't even spell cognitive.
I thought I'd have a bit of fun with the word, a play on the phrase "native intelligence. "
If you do a search with my name and cognative and cognitive you'll see that last post to be an anomaly.
There are many things that are correlated that have no relationship.Keep looking for scientific evidence of God's existence, my work here is done.
Just a pro-tip reminder, science has confirmed that racism and cognitive function are negatively correlated.
There are many things that are correlated that have no relationship.
Most of the true racists I know are successful and intelligent people. They own businesses and pay taxes. They are productive individuals who are valuable to the communities they live in.
In my experience, intelligence is overrated. I know a lot of seemingly intelligent people who have a very shabby existence.
Dedication, and hard work are much more important. Stupid people can be successful if they have those traits. And i have noticed no deficiency among blacks when it comes to those two traits. I've hired blacks in the past because I've seen it in them.
Most of the true racists I know are successful and intelligent people. They own businesses and pay taxes. They are productive individuals who are valuable to the communities they live in.
In my experience, intelligence is overrated.
Dedication, and hard work are much more important. Stupid people can be successful if they have those traits. And i have noticed no deficiency among blacks when it comes to those two traits. I've hired blacks in the past because I've seen it in them.
The ignorant bigoted racist will say stuff like blacks are lazy and lack morals. They will also say all blacks are dumb.Sure they are..
This also speaks volumes about you. I personally don't know, let alone associate with "true racists". Can't imagine the kind of person who would.. But you're not racist..
lmfao, hello new sig
Yeah, blacks work hard and don't ask too many questions because they're less intelligent naturally, I bet they'd make good cotton pickers!
They will also say all blacks are dumb.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
There are fewer "bright" ones
If I've ever said anything like all white people are smarter than all blacks, I misspoke. I don't think I've said such though.You said yourself, in this thread, that blacks are dumber than whites, genetically
In the same goddamn quote actually
Are you retarded?
If I've ever said anything like all white people are smarter than all blacks, I misspoke. I don't think I've said such though.
Keep in mind, lower average intelligence is applicable to the race, not the individual.
You took issue with my statement that intelligence is overrated.
Have you never known an intelligent person who was a total failure?