Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

How come kids are told not to take things that don't belong to them, yet the whole public school system is funded by taking money from people against their wishes?

Most people are more than falsely happy to have a 9 month a year baby sitter so that they can toil all day in an office so they can afford to buy designer clothes, all the latest gadgets, vacations in Cabo and a new car every 4 years. Then when the children grow up they can repeat this process with their own children. When their parents grow old enough they can repay the favor by sending the parents to die alone in a "care center".

To tell the truth though, I wouldn't mind pooling my money to pay for a school and a teacher as long as the money was well managed and not taken advantage of.
you dont beat one kid with a broom while the other one beats him too. she is responsible for the safety of those hoodlums, so she should've been prepared. teacher fail
Most people are more than falsely happy to have a 9 month a year baby sitter so that they can toil all day in an office so they can afford to buy designer clothes, all the latest gadgets, vacations in Cabo and a new car every 4 years. Then when the children grow up they can repeat this process with their own children. When their parents grow old enough they can repay the favor by sending the parents to die alone in a "care center".

To tell the truth though, I wouldn't mind pooling my money to pay for a school and a teacher as long as the money was well managed and not taken advantage of.

Most people do not know the real reasons "free" public schools were implemented.

Certainly, pooling money with like minded people is a good way to benefit from economies of scale.

Forcing people who are not like minded to participate in something on pain of seizure of their home is not such a good thing though eh?
Forcing people who are not like minded to participate in something on pain of seizure of their home is not such a good thing though eh?

do you also complain every time you come across a literate person who was educated in a public school, or is it to your advantage then?
Two teens were beating up on each other. It looked like a barroom brawl. Their bodies hurled around the room. Furniture flew. Onlookers screamed.

Except this wasn’t a barroom. It was a classroom. At Detroit’s Pershing High School. And the first responder was, naturally, the teacher, a 5-foot-2 English instructor named Tiffani Eaton.

She did what she was supposed to do. She screamed at them to stop. She radioed for security. No one came because the radio given to her was broken. The teens tumbled to the floor now, one punching the head of the other.

So Eaton grabbed the first thing she could, a broom, and swatted the back of the young man on top, several times, screaming at him to get off the other student. They separated. Soon after, the fight broke up.

If I stop right there, many of you would give this woman a medal.

Instead, she was fired — fired? — because she violated the school’s corporal punishment rule.

By protocol, the teacher is now being investigated for child abuse.

Public school gonna public school. If only we could spend more money to add another layer of bureaucracy things like this would never happen.

Couple things willy .....

This is not a "public" school per se. It has been taken over by the gestapo (Republican Governor) and is now partnered with private interests. It's part of the EAS (Education Achievement System) which allows the governors appointed emergency financial manager to take over under performing schools and essentially contract them out.

Also, the teacher has been given her job back.

so you whine like the little bitch that you are that you have to pay a property tax in the area you choose to live in, but you don't whine like the little bitch that you are when the results of that property tax leave you with an educated, literate workforce of fellow countrymen?

Are you asserting that without the coercive Prussian school system people would be illiterate?

want to remind me what the illiteracy rate was among blacks at the time they ended slavery?
so you whine like the little bitch that you are that you have to pay a property tax in the area you choose to live in, but you don't whine like the little bitch that you are when the results of that property tax leave you with an educated, literate workforce of fellow countrymen?

want to remind me what the illiteracy rate was among blacks at the time they ended slavery?

You sure do love programs that rely on threats rather than voluntary participation don't you?

If something is good for people, what is the harm in letting them chose to use it and pay for it or not use it and not pay for it?

Are you familiar with the goals of the Prussian school system brought to the USA in the 1800s ?

Did you know a public school / indoctrination center was also one of the planks of the Communist manifesto Comrade? I think it is the 10th plank. You support forcing people alot That makes you a wanna be thug...and a Prohibitionist.
You sure do love programs that rely on threats rather than voluntary participation don't you?

If something is good for people, what is the harm in letting them chose to use it and pay for it or not use it and not pay for it?

Having a literate work force is kind of important, no?

What you're suggesting would create a scenario where only certain families with the financial ability to do so would be sending their kids to school, and others would not be able to afford it, creating an even wider divide between the have's and the have-not's.
Having a literate work force is kind of important, no?

What you're suggesting would create a scenario where only certain families with the financial ability to do so would be sending their kids to school, and others would not be able to afford it, creating an even wider divide between the have's and the have-not's.

No that's not what would happen. You've been duped. You might consider looking into some of John Taylor Gattos work to start.

Also, even IF you were correct and you're not, you have not addressed the use of forced compliance.

Do you think individual people should make up their own minds or do you think others should force them to do things they may not agree with? One represents freedom of choice, one does not. Where do you stand?
[QUOTE="UncleBuck, post: 10501773, member: 251367"
want to remind me what the illiteracy rate was among blacks at the time they ended slavery?[/QUOTE]

was it more or less than 7%?
[QUOTE="UncleBuck, post: 10501773, member: 251367"
want to remind me what the illiteracy rate was among blacks at the time they ended slavery?

was it more or less than 7%?[/QUOTE]
Slavery never ended, Lincoln was simply one of the first overlords, who when he opposed the others was assassinated.

Hitler still lives... 8=D ~~~~ <---<< Asian penis as opposed to black penis >>---> 8======================================D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~