Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

i recall your standard of proof and willingness to discredit sources you did not agree with in the past.

your track record was supremely shitty.


so, how'd those predictions, inability to understand simple, scientific polling, and standard of evidence work out for ya last time?


no matter, you probably have it all nailed down this time with much more complex math and science though.
Meh...after a few hundred years...I'm not sure what to make of this "research" when dire predictions are made for centuries in the future. But sure, the caveat is mathematically conceivable under strictly limited circumstances which completely ignore Sol.

it is inconceivable that man has NOT done damage to this earth..if you believe otherwise, you are a fool.

You've been watching the Avatar movie again haven't you? I really like those flying reptile things. S'pose Doer could kill one with a rock, I'm getting kind of hungry.
Lol...more disinformation from a noted conservative who fills in for rush Limbaugh.
Lets see...who to or conservative author?

Who to believe? A bunch of shrill, anti-gmo, ants to big oil, anti-progress, anti-all but, pro NUKE< driods?

...or just follow the real science?

The huge West Antarctic ice sheet is starting a glacially slow collapse in an unstoppable way, two new studies show. Alarmed scientists say that means even more sea level rise than they figured.

The worrisome outcomes won't be seen soon. Scientists are talking hundreds of years, but over that time the melt that has started could eventually add 1.2 to 3.6 metres to current sea levels.
So, the stupid money say, Man Caused This.

The smart money say we don't know, but it is happening, very slowly, but it is happening.

The stupid money says something this big can surely be stopped by Man.

The stupid money says we did it so we can FIX???? It.
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You've already admitted there's nothing you would accept as proof of anthropogenic climate change, so it would seem the source is irrelevant..

You don't like what the information says, doesn't matter where it comes from

I list my proofs and sea rise is not one of them.

What can be accepted as proof is the responsibility of the experimenter.

I have seen no link to man but a tiny bit of Carbon 13, proportionally, to the megatons of Carbon 12, and 14 in the atmosphere. Effect does not say cause in this. And bit more carbon add a bit more "forcing" talk, but no model, is not science. But, in politics the money is already being spent. And in 150 years, none of us will care, and babies born in 50 years may not need to care, but the USA has to care about the long term.

That is what we see.

But, like Sky, I say, how could we not have an effect? But, that's not a basis for experiment.
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Meh...after a few hundred years...I'm not sure what to make of this "research" when dire predictions are made for centuries in the future. But sure, the caveat is mathematically conceivable under strictly limited circumstances which completely ignore Sol.

If we are talking hundreds of years in the future, overpopulation would be my biggest concern.
The argument, Kelly, is that we are "forcing" the natural cycle into excess heating.

No proof of that I have seen.
If we are talking hundreds of years in the future, overpopulation would be my biggest concern.

The population is set for a big man made decline. And the main part it is the education of women we need to defeat Jihad, more opportunities for women apart from Home life, and the general macho stupidity of men is less tolerated.

Onward Christian Soldier Camps are a laugh and part of the problem. But, a population decline will really upset the Jihad and they may make a last gasp attempt to drive mankind into the rising sea levels, for Power.
No, there is no evidence for that, M'Lady.

Volcanoes and wayward asteroid strikes can, and have inflicted much, much more damage than puny, insignificant Humans ever could.

Does anyone think that any human activity and behavior could possibly prevent the onslaught of the inevitable future ice-age?

Climate change is entirely cyclical there is nothing puny Humans could ever possibly do to disrupt this natural cycle.
Volcanoes and wayward asteroid strikes can, and have inflicted much, much more damage than puny, insignificant Humans ever could.

Does anyone think that any human activity and behavior could possibly prevent the onslaught of the inevitable future ice-age?

Climate change is entirely cyclical there is nothing puny Humans could ever possibly do to disrupt this natural cycle.

No, we don't know that. We don't know there is nothing puny humans could do. We don't know if we already did it.
No, we don't know that. We don't know there is nothing puny humans could do. We don't know if we already did it.

Krakatoa was only one volcano...

Recorded history does not go back far enough in time to truly tell the tale with any degree of accuracy.

Asteroids and meteors are also well known threats to climate harmony and continuity.

In comparison, Humans are truly puny and benign.
Krakatoa was only one volcano...

Recorded history does not go back far enough in time to truly tell the tale with any degree of accuracy.

Asteroids and meteors are also well known threats to climate harmony and continuity.

In comparison, Humans are truly puny and benign.
That's just not true at all. We've decimated rainforests, pumped chemicals and greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, and lots of other horrific things.
That's just not true at all. We've decimated rainforests, pumped chemicals and greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, and lots of other horrific things.

Wow, only one big asteroid could inflict substantially more damage...not to mention multiple volcanic eruptions.

But Mankind is the ultimate blight in your mind...I wonder why you are predisposed to believe this fallacy?
Who to believe?
The huge West Antarctic ice sheet is starting a glacially slow collapse in an unstoppable way, two new studies show. Alarmed scientists say that means even more sea level rise than they figured..

No problem. I'll just stop at the dollar store and buy more ice cube trays. I don't need cubes from Antarctica. Whatever happened to good ole fashioned merican ice cubes? Some people.....
Wow, only one big asteroid could inflict substantially more damage...not to mention multiple volcanic eruptions.

But Mankind is the ultimate blight in your mind...I wonder why you are predisposed to believe this fallacy?

I'm not debating that an asteroid couldn't cause catastrophic damage.

I'm debating the fact that you said humans are puny and benign, when we are demonstrably not.

We've never had a time in history when fossil fuels were being burned. They've pretty much always been locked underground, out of sight.