Wow!!!! Leave for a day and all hell breaks loose lol.

So I'm still waiting for Uncle Ben's response to the question "Why"? Why are you hell bent to get involved in a thread that you feel is a total waste of time? All the guy wanted to do was see for himself what the effects of pulling some leaves off would have on this particular grow and this particular strain. Please, really I'm very interested in why anyone who slammed this would seeings how there was nothing to slam! But could it be that I'm missing something? Is defoilation a goverment plot to slow the growth and in turn amount hitting the street

It was, in my mind, just a lets see what'll happen if I do this and you are all welcome to follow along, "if you like"!! Also Uncle Ben,as you have stated in pasts post, you tired of reading unsubstantiated threads, you decided to try things for yourself. Why now is that wrong for someone else to do? Comparing effects on a plant grown outdoors versus in is just hmmm dare I say uneducated!!! Could you post a few of your pics showing your results re: defoilation, I would love to see them.