Thanks for the reply I didn't use any herbicides so shouldn't be it. and there is a couple inches max between top of plants/ lights and wallsoh crap, I've had that happen ONCE with a bag of ROOTS.
My theory was it was exposed to an herbicide or something, killed them within two days, and I even transplanted/washed the roots, still died.
I really hope that's not the case here. My plant was a little more of a pronounced sag, the leaves went STRAIGHT down within hours.
The pics a lil weird too, is that against a wall/ceiling or something?
Thanks for reply and yes i did heard i read that it was good for them but i hoping your right and they come backdid you water it after the transplant?
if so it is simply overwatered, just wait and be patient
Thanks for your reply and yes i got a fan circulating 24/7try a light breeze. make sure all the leaves are "trembling" in the breeze.
Thanks for the tip another quick question when i transplant do i remove all the extra side root when it bounded like so and jus leave the middle root ball or do i drop it into the new pot as is ? ive read to remove all the sides n dirt to root ball but seem to see everyone jus drop them into new pots as isbest way is to water the plant before you upcan it (in the old pot) and not at all after you upcan it (until of course it needs water) doing this the plant doesn't even know it was moved and takes off rather quickly
Thanks for your quick feed back i appreciate it. and yes i know i waited to longif root bound, simply score the roots by making a 1/4 to 1/2 inch cut vertically every 1 to 2 inches if not root bound simply plant it
looked at your pic after I posted LOL and that is way root bound, nice tap root though !!!
don't cut the tap root !!!!
Thanks for your replyTheyre in transplant shock, give em a few days to a week and theyll be up and runnin again, just let em be unless the pots get really dry then water.
I got a shiny new silver dollar that says they perk back up.Thanks for your reply and yes i got a fan circulating 24/7
my next concern is that my new pots aren't much wider just deeper due to limited amount of grow space in closet til i move outside. so if i leave that big long taproot and put it in my just deeper pot that it gonna get all root bound again. where if i go right to the middle root ball i will give it couple more weeks to spread out. sorry not trying to keep contradicting you just making sure i understand all aspects of my final decisionyes, that big coil on the bottom (of your pic) is the tap root playin a little game called spin out, there are pots and paint that prevent it much the way cloth pots air prune
thanks for reply and haha i hope your rightI got a shiny new silver dollar that says they perk back up.