Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
worked out today, had dinner with rents, was awesome ^_^ they're eating more and more vegetarian foods its cute :p


Well-Known Member

tomorrow i get to move about 300 sq ft of soil up to a foot deep all around the yard to level things out.

i'd really mind all the work if not for the fact that winter gives me a beer belly as i get older.
Just curious, why? (the burning, not the belly)


Well-Known Member
apparently neighbors get concerned when there is a 14 foot bonfire at 10:30 pm. guess i'll have to finish up tomorrow.
I ran into that exact same problem when I cremated my cat. People were disturbed by the 16ft flames from the funeral pyre. In my defense, the wood was frozen (january) and i needed gasoline to get it going. I got the job done though. He deserved a decent send off.
I ran when the firetrucks came.
I did it on the rail companies property.
Pro-tip: you can't be charged if they can't find the guys to charge you. lol

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
apparently neighbors get concerned when there is a 14 foot bonfire at 10:30 pm. guess i'll have to finish up tomorrow.
my buddy bought some property that had hundreds of used tires on it. He pushed them all into a big pile and lit it up, turned his phone off and then went to the bar lol

when he came back hours later the fire department was there putting it out! Of course he had no idea how it started lol....they said the smoke could be seen from fifteen miles away.

no tickets, no fines, he did end up donating money to the fire dept. to pay for the foam they used on the fire, although he told them they should have saved the foam and let it burn as there could have been no collateral damage.

burnt close to 500 tires, he considered it a win ;)