Teacher fired for breaking up fight.


Well-Known Member
Two teens were beating up on each other. It looked like a barroom brawl. Their bodies hurled around the room. Furniture flew. Onlookers screamed.

Except this wasn’t a barroom. It was a classroom. At Detroit’s Pershing High School. And the first responder was, naturally, the teacher, a 5-foot-2 English instructor named Tiffani Eaton.

She did what she was supposed to do. She screamed at them to stop. She radioed for security. No one came because the radio given to her was broken. The teens tumbled to the floor now, one punching the head of the other.

So Eaton grabbed the first thing she could, a broom, and swatted the back of the young man on top, several times, screaming at him to get off the other student. They separated. Soon after, the fight broke up.

If I stop right there, many of you would give this woman a medal.

Instead, she was fired — fired? — because she violated the school’s corporal punishment rule.

White woman hitting a black student by chance?

On the back no less, stoking the mental images of massa whipping Kunta Kintay on the back. I mean Toby.
By protocol, the teacher is now being investigated for child abuse.

Public school gonna public school. If only we could spend more money to add another layer of bureaucracy things like this would never happen.
She has a duty to do what she can to stop the fight. If she didn't act, that would be considered neglect. She is not just a public employee, she is a school teacher with a duty to protect her children.
Well he would have been fired and sued if he didn`t break up the fight too. Letting school kids fight is a big no-no.
She has a duty to do what she can to stop the fight. If she didn't act, that would be considered neglect. She is not just a public employee, she is a school teacher with a duty to protect her children.
Teachers have no more duty to protect children than police do, which is none at all.
A teacher in this situation needs another faculty member present before intervening due to the litigious nature of the society we have created.

The old days of a village to raise a child and respect for elders are replaced by bad parenting combined with the lack of corporal punishment has caused a deterioration of our society from the inside out, one generation at a time.

We've become a nation dominated by underachieving, self depricating, over indulged, whiney little whimps.
She has a duty to do what she can to stop the fight. If she didn't act, that would be considered neglect. She is not just a public employee, she is a school teacher with a duty to protect her children.

They aren't "her" children. If there were ever any sense of real duty, she would quit her job and stop accepting money stolen from people to fund the Prussian school system she works in.

A real education should involve truth. How come kids are told not to take things that don't belong to them, yet the whole public school system is funded by taking money from people against their wishes? It seems the duty to truth is not important.