The UK Growers Thread!

S20140510172632_noexif.jpg Skywalker. Nice dense nug bur sadly it smelt of fuck all, highs slow to start but it packs a nice wallop.
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Bored as fuck. .... wtf are ya meant to do with kids nowadays when its pissing it down and your skint lol
make some napalm and set fire to it, kids don't find this boring at all.....shit ive just done a childrens birthday party 12 6 year olds bowling so chilling with some cano vape
[OTE="IC3M4L3, post: 10487383, member: 416682"]just do what i do buzzle and take the legs of the bottome and screw it down>? then the only room it takes is the fatness of the leg? should be four screws at the bottom
wer the legs cross over and fasten on

@Lemon king nigga plz, microwave? man, u dont do that PERIOD, i mean u do, u,,being noobs,[/QUOTE]

That's what I did lol but the main fan bit takes up too much room and starts chewing away at leaves lol so.....take the top bit off the stand and tie it up in the corner of the tent boom about a square foot that can now grow ganja instead of a big ass fan there ;)
Either your grinder is fookin massive or thats a nats cod of a nug lol
Sadly it's a combination of both lol grinders 3.5" wide, 3" tall.[/QUOTE]

That's a fair size for a grinder m8, I've only a wee small grinder, had it for years, could do with shellin out for a new one tho but I ain't payin the money for a space case lol
[E="R3l@X, post: 10488297, member: 741874"]Either your grinder is fookin massive or thats a nats cod of a nug lol[/QUOTE]
Sadly it's a combination of both lol grinders 3.5" wide, 3" tall.[/QUOTE]

Haha that'd be dangerous to me mate I'd end up smoking more lol..tis a nice piece tho mate
Haha that'd be dangerous to me mate I'd end up smoking more lol..tis a nice piece tho mate[/QUOTE]
This had only dawned to on me the last 24hr20140510183313_noexif.jpg's a nice change from the sound of grinding metal. That's my very old grinder next to new lol....who wants to test out my grinder with their weed? Lol
Hahaha she's a beast man looks sweet tho how much it cost ya? And Yeh its a bit of a step up to that old shitty thing ain't it....nothin worse than a jammy grinder
Haha that'd be dangerous to me mate I'd end up smoking more lol..tis a nice piece tho mate
This had only dawned to on me the last 24hrView attachment 3149706's a nice change from the sound of grinding metal. That's my very old grinder next to new lol....who wants to test out my grinder with their weed? Lol[/QUOTE]

I think if I buy a new one it'll be a clear one. What u pay for that any way relax?
This had only dawned to on me the last 24hrView attachment 3149706's a nice change from the sound of grinding metal. That's my very old grinder next to new lol....who wants to test out my grinder with their weed? Lol

I think if I buy a new one it'll be a clear one. What u pay for that any way relax?[/QUOTE]
Was around 60 euro...tenner more than the medium so I was like " I'd be a fool not to get it".

I was nearly going to get one of the glass based models with easy interchangeable crystal catcher thing-a-mah-bob.