Just do the following:
Take previous years smart pot, or pot with some RO soil and through your seeds in this medium; then take a screen from
a junk yard, or where ever you can get one; place your seeds in the medium and secure this like a mini greenhouse and
put a bungee cord around this to tie off. Mother nature didnt intend to have everything indoors, give nature some credit,
natively they come up in the spring; as such, I dormant seed at the end of December and check out the scenario in
the first week of March; the weather will work for you, too. True story. The above happened to me several times till I
started sorting it out "caveman" style. You gotta figure a caveman was recently discovered with a great deal of weed
on his person, and they germinated his 2000 year old stash. Just curious what would a caveman do...you get me
drift? Screen, bungee cord, ... perimeters secure. Those screens take a beating.