Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hydro, that sucks about your friend. Coke and steroids sounds like an interesting combo. The combo that always made me feel like superman was coke and acid.

I've had an interesting week dealing with school. Being my school is in a pretty economic challenged area(the hood), they have a high rate of people signing up and dropping out to get the financial aid while on wellfare and etc.. To fight this they are implementing a new policy that you have to not only get approved by fasfa but also the school for your guaranteed student loans. This cut my financial aid package by 50% and when I received my package and noticed this, this is when they informed me of the change. This wouldn't be an issue because I understand the reasoning but they don't have the new policy worked out yet and the summer session starts new financial aid year. The school actually told me that I had to make my mind up if I could afford to attend without knowing if they would give me the money the Federal Aid told me I qualify for and if I decided afterwards that I can't afford to continue that I have to pay penalties. Because I filled out my aid app so early, I was one of the first to find out about the change. I actually had a meeting with the school press over this thursday and meet with the vice pres. of student affairs on tuesday about why they didn't notify any body of such a drastic change or all ready have a contingent plan in place and the effects of this on the older returning students such as myself the are legitly trying to better themselves. All I want is the money I was told I could borrow for school when I decided to go to school. Nothing worse than being half way through something and have the authorities change the game. And finals start Monday.
what a pain in the arse, hope you get yours sorted. there is always someone trying to benefit from doing fuk all, scamming systems that effect legit peeps, get's my goat up so it does.