Club 600


Well-Known Member
Here's something my wife and her collegue at work discussed. We are all so quick to shower the internet with the pictures of our kids, but what happens when said kids grow up, and there right before their very eyes their whole life in pictures on the internet, for the whole world to see.....without even asking them! It's somethig our generation have not experienced except for when the old dusty photo albums come out and the teenage child cringes off in disgust (and they are only seen by people close to the family). But the children of today have no choice because Mum and Dad want to show off how clever "they" are by taking pictures of their little ones doing amazing things like eating a banana, or walking, sitting up, or such like....things that ever human being can actually do, it's no academic achievement to be able to sit up or talk. I wonder what the phsychological effect will be on our society in the future (if any). And yes, my wife and I post the odd pic of our amazing child on social media as well so this is not aimed at anyone, just a general topic of conversation.:)


Well-Known Member
Morning aal . Herp yee hev a good day . :)
So task force has taken down a grow op my friend was runnin. 1week before chop. Think its the stolen electricity :/ Just hope they werent keeping an eye on him as they would see me back and forth helping him.
Nice cartoon Doobie :)


Well-Known Member
that's never nice, Hydro, but why steal electricity? It's the one thing that surely can bring attention to you. The electricity companies here are giving out scratch and sniff grow cards to customers in some areas (mainly where there are large detached houses). It would be very stupid of anyone not to think that the Police work with the electricity companies in some form. My friend done it and was convinced that there was no conceivable way that the power company could find out...I was like, okay, as long as that keeps you happy.
So what's the general vibe for someone who get's caught in DK then? fine, time, or slap on the wrist?


Well-Known Member
Here's something my wife and her collegue at work discussed. We are all so quick to shower the internet with the pictures of our kids, but what happens when said kids grow up, and there right before their very eyes their whole life in pictures on the internet, for the whole world to see.....without even asking them! It's somethig our generation have not experienced except for when the old dusty photo albums come out and the teenage child cringes off in disgust (and they are only seen by people close to the family). But the children of today have no choice because Mum and Dad want to show off how clever "they" are by taking pictures of their little ones doing amazing things like eating a banana, or walking, sitting up, or such like....things that ever human being can actually do, it's no academic achievement to be able to sit up or talk. I wonder what the phsychological effect will be on our society in the future (if any). And yes, my wife and I post the odd pic of our amazing child on social media as well so this is not aimed at anyone, just a general topic of conversation.:)

It's all a social engineering operation being carried out by Big Brother:

Subsidize the tech sectors on the QT to be able to give the masses cheap cellphones with cameras & video, create umbrella corporations to monopolize the ISP's and make fast internet ubiquitous from home-phones-tablets-watches-glasses, and after less than two generations there will truly be no more such thing as privacy because most everyone will have already had most of their life put on public display on the 'net, and all other things people use/do/record with their various devices will already be data-mined by governments, hackers and terrorists.

Just kidding !!

... or AM I ?


Well-Known Member
An interesting way to look at it Doobie...create demand for all the crap things we hold dear to our our shitty smartphones that fall out your pocket and smash when they hit the ground:) Went to the phone shop yesterday and was told because I didn't select the insurance I need to keep my smashed phone for another 4 months before being able to change my contract...I only pay them 130 euro a month for my contract ffs.


Well-Known Member
An interesting way to look at it Doobie...create demand for all the crap things we hold dear to our our shitty smartphones that fall out your pocket and smash when they hit the ground:) Went to the phone shop yesterday and was told because I didn't select the insurance I need to keep my smashed phone for another 4 months before being able to change my contract...I only pay them 130 euro a month for my contract ffs.
dont get me started with those S.O.B.s. been working getting things wired and setup. i aslo put some clones in cups that i should have done a couple of days ago. not as much finished as i wanted, but some work is done and i am of to bed it is 2am here;) dst i will rap my head around all of that in the morning when it is working right:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
that's never nice, Hydro, but why steal electricity? It's the one thing that surely can bring attention to you. The electricity companies here are giving out scratch and sniff grow cards to customers in some areas (mainly where there are large detached houses). It would be very stupid of anyone not to think that the Police work with the electricity companies in some form. My friend done it and was convinced that there was no conceivable way that the power company could find out...I was like, okay, as long as that keeps you happy.
So what's the general vibe for someone who get's caught in DK then? fine, time, or slap on the wrist?
Yeah well they in and out. Sad but true. When running 6kw it amounts to a lot of money.. I get it. But yeah that gotta be the quickest way to get busted. I guess the electricity company can spot an area and say somehow we are loosing 12kw an hour. Even more fucked up is the neighboor growing the exact same way. Maybe he gets busted today.
I actually dont know what its gonna be. I think he is going back in for a while. He just came out 2 months ago.. But hey danish prisons is fucking luxury! There was a documentary not so long ago about foreign criminals in danish prisons. Very happy. They lived nice and besides that got so much money they could support the family back home.. Fucked up!
If i got caught i think it will be a wrist slap :) Hobby hobby hobby! :)


Well-Known Member
oh my, he just got out 2 months ago....nothing like getting back on it with a 6kw grow with stolen electricity:shock: no offence to you hydro, but when they handed out brains did your friend not get the letter about collecting his? lol. Still sucks he got caught, stay safe, Hydro and hobby it right up:)


Well-Known Member
Coke and fucking steroids will make any one invincible in their minds :/ No offence at all i bet he feels like an idiot right now. And i just cancelled the electrician :P j/k


Well-Known Member
we all feel like idiots after having a visit from the po, because more often than not it's something you have avoided or have overlooked yourself.
lol. coke and steroids will definitely make you feel invinsible in more ways than one, not that I have any experience with steroids, but christ I am such a blethering idiot on coke!


Well-Known Member
Hydro, that sucks about your friend. Coke and steroids sounds like an interesting combo. The combo that always made me feel like superman was coke and acid.

I've had an interesting week dealing with school. Being my school is in a pretty economic challenged area(the hood), they have a high rate of people signing up and dropping out to get the financial aid while on wellfare and etc.. To fight this they are implementing a new policy that you have to not only get approved by fasfa but also the school for your guaranteed student loans. This cut my financial aid package by 50% and when I received my package and noticed this, this is when they informed me of the change. This wouldn't be an issue because I understand the reasoning but they don't have the new policy worked out yet and the summer session starts new financial aid year. The school actually told me that I had to make my mind up if I could afford to attend without knowing if they would give me the money the Federal Aid told me I qualify for and if I decided afterwards that I can't afford to continue that I have to pay penalties. Because I filled out my aid app so early, I was one of the first to find out about the change. I actually had a meeting with the school press over this thursday and meet with the vice pres. of student affairs on tuesday about why they didn't notify any body of such a drastic change or all ready have a contingent plan in place and the effects of this on the older returning students such as myself the are legitly trying to better themselves. All I want is the money I was told I could borrow for school when I decided to go to school. Nothing worse than being half way through something and have the authorities change the game. And finals start Monday.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fuck man way to move the goal posts!?! that's shitty. fucking academics man. no real world experience.

hydro, that's crazy shiz man, he must have literally got out and got those plants cracking to be a week off finished! major kahonas minor grey cell count. stay safe man. though to be honest jail time over there sounds kushy!?

the real trick to stealing leccy is to only steal half of it. have your op running off a spur before your meter, so you're still clocking up KWH but no where near as much as you should be with 6K burning lol

not that i do it, the fraud charge gets you more time than the supply/dealing in the uk. not to mention the fine for the eleccy companies lost earnings.