pepper trick? i must have missed that tutorial?
nice bong rx likin the grinder too, ima have to invest in a decent one, my bullit one is shit for a fiver lol, one o fthose things i dont htink baout
and rx shit your shits clean mate, grinder and glass is spotless lol
buttercup lmfao
you ever ashcatcher onto another? shit gets reeeeeal percolqted@ robbie It's brand new man well I got the bong 2 days ago but waited on the 4 are perc so I wouldn't have to clean that cunting 8arm perc in the bong...she's serious lol old grinder was the same as yours but it had gotten to the stage where I'd hear a screech every so often n the fucker would jam on me mid turn (1st world problem).
Smashed m8few lagers and just finishing a fatty. How are we all?
Morning lads!Kannastor are the beat grinders.ive seen little peicey but top grinders, anyone wanna try some of the glycerine.tincture ive been.fucking with.. got abit.of everything.from my last crop in.. thc bomb,lemon alien jack.herer and abit mates cross pineapple kush x chem reaper. or happy to tell you all the procedures.. worka as a sublingual or in.a.liquid.vqpe pen
lemonking(lol) !!