fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

Man, that is just pure beauty. I'll let you drive me in there blindfolded just to walk amongst them in full-on flower.
Betcha it can. Either Google Earth, Google Maps (try the street view!), or that Live.MSN.maps thing. 8) (Those no work-ee for us, we're too remote I guess.)
I wonder If your back yard can be found on google earth?? JK

Just though Id step in to say hello....

Betcha it can. Either Google Earth, Google Maps (try the street view!), or that Live.MSN.maps thing. 8) (Those no work-ee for us, we're too remote I guess.)

lol, I already thought of it and asked, and apparently fdd had already thought of it, cuz he knew the answer was no!
so if they grow an inch a day, and they are as wide as they are tall, then they grow 7 inches in height and 14 inches in width per week. sounds about right. :mrgreen::blsmoke:

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no police copters here .....or drug dogs for that matter........
but i have a 24 foot x 8 foot greenhouse stuffed with plants and im always nervous