The future.... what's in your crystalball?


Well-Known Member
So I see a lot of arguments between wannabe LP's and court injunction home growers/MMPR patients, but I'm just wondering no matter how bleak or wonderful the future brings to Medical Marijuana in Canada what do you really think will happen in 2015 or later...... not what you wish but what you think is really going to go down.

I personally see a bleak future for patients and big business cashing in on us as big pharma has in the past.

Here's how I think it will go down..... first of all. all those that are so convince a politician like JT is going to legalize it.... will all be fooled by talk and more talk and then more talk but no action ... he may throw everyone a bone and make some small inroad to a certain aspect of something that may have come about with any govt that comes into power. I get back to future govt later but now the courts....

With the new MMPR no matter the issues that happen the govt/HC will convince the supreme court that these LP's provide patients with higher quality, mold free, better safety and security to the community at large, even some LP's giving discounts to lower income patients as to remove the rights of patients to grow their own medicine themselves.... thus making the only legal way to get your medicine is to go through LP's. Because in the real world all the govt/HC has to is convince the judge that this works and it's better for patients because of Quality control of medication.

back to the govt if by a very slim chance that it does ever get legalized no one will ever be allowed to grow their own garden and already having these LP's established all of a sudden they will convert to the rec users and once again patients will be left out in the cold with no legal way to grow at home and having to rely on LP's for their meds.... you will see a shortage because of the mad influx of rec users.

I don't ever want the above to happen but this is what I see because in today's age too many non patients still believe in "reefer madness" propaganda, they will believe disinformation before they believe the truth.

So no point in commenting on my crystal ball, I want to know your own theory.


Well-Known Member
Continued MMPR program and a new user based grow program that has a limit of 6-12 plants per household.
Legalization within 5 years

Devil Lettuce

Well-Known Member
I see a dual-stream system closely resembling what we are seeing in Colorado. If Obama legalizes on a federal level on his way out of office like some pundits are predicting, then Canada could follow suit faster than most think IMO. A lot of the timing of it will depend on getting people out to vote so we can get the Conservatives out of there.
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Well-Known Member
There are people who have already been told that lps will not be able to supply them with the quantity of medication they require. I believe the precedent has been set. Should it not be up to the government to prove that the mmar was a failure? Didn't the federal court judge already determine that the mmpr was unconstitutional? My memory is going but these things and more are all going to play out again.


Well-Known Member
HC and patients will be tied up in court for years to come. Eventually the courts will give HC 1 year to come up with a new viable program. HC will fight tooth and nail, come up with yet another bullshit program at which point the courts will be pissed and remove all prohibitions against cannabis! Probably just a pipe dream but I can hope. I like to think Trudeau will give us a just system of legalization, but I don't completely trust him to get the job done right, the CEO of Tweed being the financial officer or whatever of the Liberal party and all.


Grandfathered system along with LP running simultaneously. That pink sheet will be your golden ticket to combat Willie Harper and his weed factories.

Eventually the 40k or so will drop in the next 10 years in half or whatever. LPs should already know that the current patient base isn't going to be profitable. It's the future one if it ever gets up and running with doctor permission forms lol


Well-Known Member
Hard to say on the legalization side, but I see the LPs being in business regardless if they're smart.
The markup on product is quite good and they can stay in business even if the product was legalized - it's legal to make your own wine but that doesn't stop anyone from paying 5x that to buy it off the shelf in the store.

Hard to say where DGs and compassion groups will end up, but I imagine compassion groups will keep doing what they're doing and new patients are going to join up with LPs due to a lack of options. 2015 isn't that far away and I don't see that much changing except a huge increase in the number of LPs, strains, etc. Once Tilray and Tweed become the Wal-Marts of product there's going to be a higher availability of product for sure - this in itself could affect the lawsuit next year.


Well-Known Member
I suspect we haven't heard HC's last dying breath on this issue.....
I have been doing my best to try and not look to far ahead.....for the simple reason that it causes too much stress with all the "what if's"
I'm still somewhat worried that the courts will try and find some common an effort to let the government save face...on its attempt to change the system...again
and that may keep HC at the helm of the medical M ship....


Well-Known Member
I suspect we haven't heard HC's last dying breath on this issue.....
I have been doing my best to try and not look to far ahead.....for the simple reason that it causes too much stress with all the "what if's"
I'm still somewhat worried that the courts will try and find some common an effort to let the government save face...on its attempt to change the system...again
and that may keep HC at the helm of the medical M ship....
But the good news is that Stephen is fighting with one of the chief's perfect! Let him dig his own hole and we can all shovel his medical shit on top of him.


Well-Known Member
The way I see things unfolding in the short term is for the court to grandfather existing ppl's and appease users of the MMPR by forcing HC to reclassify cannabis as an approved drug thus making it covered under provincial health care like every other medicine. The provinces may then allow personal grows in order to avoid the costs associated with such ruling. I foresee a much smaller plant count being allowed.
On the legalization front, I think it is inevitable.The change in attitude in the US and around the world in regards to marijuana use has momentum and I think is unstoppable. Justin is a politician so anything he says needs to be taken with a tsp of salt, but he is our best chance at the moment. We have to ensure we keep marijuana prohibition in the news and force it to become a major election issue. Marijuana was made illegal in 1923 without a vote from the's way past time we got a say. With the SCoC hearing happening just months before the start of an election campaign, the timing couldn't be better. I see us smoking legal weed at the 2016 420 celebrations!
As for what I wish, I wish the government would stay the fuck out of everyone's business and concentrate on running our country...not our lives!


Well-Known Member
I just wish/hope with anything concerning this that the govt/HC/SCoC/college of physicians/doctors will try to do it with common sense.... I knoooowwww it's a stretch but someone has to have common sence