IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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Here's the wording:
"Each SPYDR 600 is Built-to-Order in the USA with the highest quality materials, including top-bin LEDs from Osram"
So for certain wavelengths they use OSRAM, at least that's how I read it. You can also ask OSRAM if BML uses their diodes/dies. If BML can't flat out state where their diodes are coming from, I would take their PAR, umols, PPF, whatever readings with great scrutiny. How were the readings conducted? Did they do the readings or did they use an independent lab? Are they just doing math to estimate what the PPF is? Where are the diodes coming from?
Then there's this in the Grow Max 600 section:
"Each fixture uses 270 Osram LEDs evenly distributed over the fixture's 36" x 36" footprint" OK so what diodes are the GrowMAX using? Doesn't say on the page. But 270 OSRAMs gotta grow something right? So why can't I find that info? State secret? RhinoGrow tells ya what they use. Just read the Spyder brochure and I couldn't find a list of the diodes used in the GrowMAX either. Got a hot scientist though with lipstick on though. I remember when my sis used to run labs. Never left without her lipstick on. Hmm, maybe she wasn't a lab worker after all. LOL

Listen I'm not here to bury BML, (though it would be amusing if they blow just to see what PetFlora will say, LOL), but it's like someone once said on here and or on another board and it goes something like this. "The nicer the LED panel's website is, the shittier the panels are". Now that might sound stoopid to everyone but think about it.
A51-Nothing fancy. Pretty simple.
Apache- Yeah they'll be updating that site any year now.
Han's- Hasn't changed in a dogs age.
Plantphotonics- 1990 called and they want their website back.

and then there's

Advanced- American Flags, everything's 5 stars. Slick and shiny.
Bysen- Slick as slick. Nice cases but not a lot of real LED info.
HHut- Nice site, but are hiding some terrible people and panels if the stories are to be believed.
Supergrow LED, HydroGrow, Magnum. Beautiful sites. Should I go on?

BML has a very nice site. But if peeps wanna try them I'm more than happy to say I was wrong about BML. Let's just not put the cart before the horse as the Amish like to say :). Personally I think they do work but there's just some things that makes me scream "ShieldsUP!".
[QUOTE="guod, post: 10482071, member:

Osram dont sell top bins, what you got is always a mix

Wtf?!.........why?.......that makes no sense. How are you supposed to keep you're product that contains osram consistent/equal per batch? Are they expecting us to bin their shit on our own?:-)

I honestly don't get it, maybe I've been staring at artificial lighting TOo long Over the years.....
Your evidence comes from the same people who fund lies in the guise of 'scientific studies' as I said when we 'discussed' this before (paid for by whom, with what outcome demanded?) so they can continue to perpetuate their max dollar rewards at the expense of human health. Why? Monsanto, Dow Chemical, Big Pharma and government are in it together.

The government probably by default because you can't get elected without a HUGE war chest. We the people, cannot compete against that, and so the so-called government by/for and of the people has been overtaken by big business.

FYI Bush 43 (I think) passed a law making corporations 'people' which allows them to write as big a campaign contribution check as they want to support a candidate

Too much for many I know, but that doesn't change the reality

If you don't want me to repeat myself, I suggest you refrain from engaging me on this subject

tin foil at 10 paces...

OK so you want to dismiss anything that disproves you.... that's fine, when you don't like the information just say it was being paid for by the "big corps"....

You on the other hand have still yet to post a shred of evidence to support your claim that over successive generations cannabis plants will mutate due to spectrum..why is that?

you cant back up your claim or even provide a link to where you read this information......you are either lying or just like to try and sound intelligent while achieving the opposite.
Does BML look promising???...ya
Do I think that it will cover a 4x4(16sqft) how it needs to be covered...no chance
3x3(9sqft), ya. But that is basically half the square footage it claims it should cover
Nor is it any cheaper than they other proven options. Actually more expensive/w than the best option(AT) imo...you want less units to mess with and up to 3$/w is what you are willing to spend. AT fits into that pretty danm well

The main reason this came up was for a 10x10 tent...which sounds like he only wants to use about 8x8 of it. Even that in hps talk that would be a 4k tent and the potential of an 8unit yield.

When planing an operation of such a size you don't want to waste your time and money on a failure or a guinea pig run.

Here is an 8x8 gorilla tent with 3 at600's in it...and then the 4th, the R/B, was moved on the roof pointing up...like a bat signal

The coverage in that tent is unreal. Everywhere with the meter was well over 800µmols.
I flipped the meter upside down(sensor to the floor) and was getting over 400µmols from like 3ft+ off the ground under that front right light.

And the spectrum...which is proven for years now
All white...
im tired of buy shit that doesnt work and well to tell you the truth im fed up with lies, in general and with growing convince me for realz!!!! i talk to the reps from nutrient lines fucken lies and photo shop lolz
Does BML look promising???...ya
Do I think that it will cover a 4x4(16sqft) how it needs to be covered...no chance
3x3(9sqft), ya. But that is basically half the square footage it claims it should cover
Nor is it any cheaper than they other proven options. Actually more expensive/w than the best option(AT) imo...you want less units to mess with and up to 3$/w is what you are willing to spend. AT fits into that pretty danm well

The main reason this came up was for a 10x10 tent...which sounds like he only wants to use about 8x8 of it. Even that in hps talk that would be a 4k tent and the potential of an 8unit yield.

When planing an operation of such a size you don't want to waste your time and money on a failure or a guinea pig run.

Here is an 8x8 gorilla tent with 3 at600's in it...and then the 4th, the R/B, was moved on the roof pointing up...like a bat signal
View attachment 3148454

The coverage in that tent is unreal. Everywhere with the meter was well over 800µmols.
I flipped the meter upside down(sensor to the floor) and was getting over 400µmols from like 3ft+ off the ground under that front right light.

And the spectrum...which is proven for years now
View attachment 3148459
All white...
View attachment 3148460
I've heard some of the tents can't handle 240 lbs though. What tent do you suggest for the Apaches? I agree that one problem with the BML is not enough wattage, and you can't pack 'em in tighter because of the 3x3 footprint of the fixture. Looking at that picture, pretty sure I want to be able to walk inside the tent, so 10x10 sounds alright.
I am currently running 500 watts of CFL and want to add additional side lighting. I wanted to get LED panels but was not sure which one would be the best and most beneficial. My grow tent holds about 6 plants each run.
If you are just looking for side lighting should check out kessil's, folks here with them seem pretty. Aside from Mo's spinner incident of course lol.
im tired of buy shit that doesnt work and well to tell you the truth im fed up with lies, in general and with growing convince me for realz!!!! i talk to the reps from nutrient lines fucken lies and photo shop lolz
I've been doing video logs the whole time...and for the last few grows. Plus photos and all the info that can be asked. No photoshop, tricks, or facades. Just real grows and real results.
I've heard some of the tents can't handle 240 lbs though. What tent do you suggest for the Apaches? I agree that one problem with the BML is not enough wattage, and you can't pack 'em in tighter because of the 3x3 footprint of the fixture. Looking at that picture, pretty sure I want to be able to walk inside the tent, so 10x10 sounds alright.
3x3 is fine, and the cross over would be good for them probably. Plus only the spine of the fixture is fix to 36"...the rails can be pulled in and the driver housing could be positioned to point from wall to center...so that way you could run 2 rows of 3(6total). But IMO I think that is not enough wattage. All depends on what your goal is for the room I guess
With a room/tent that big, I actually recommend going to HD and framing out a room. It will be much cheaper and hold an elephant.
But if a tent is the plan, I recommend the gorilla tents after seeing them. They are crazy strong...we had 4 at600's plus me and another guy hanging from the roof. It barley budges down with all that. Plus you can set them up from 6-10ft high ceilings.
They are just expensive to get a good big size tent.
I have a generic 4x8 that bounces pretty good when you hang the at600. But holds it fine. You can distribute the load around with the 4 points of hanging. But ya, they are beast, so that needs to be taken account for.
I've been doing video logs the whole time...and for the last few grows. Plus photos and all the info that can be asked. No photoshop, tricks, or facades. Just real grows and real results.

3x3 is fine, and the cross over would be good for them probably. Plus only the spine of the fixture is fix to 36"...the rails can be pulled in and the driver housing could be positioned to point from wall to center...so that way you could run 2 rows of 3(6total). But IMO I think that is not enough wattage. All depends on what your goal is for the room I guess
With a room/tent that big, I actually recommend going to HD and framing out a room. It will be much cheaper and hold an elephant.
But if a tent is the plan, I recommend the gorilla tents after seeing them. They are crazy strong...we had 4 at600's plus me and another guy hanging from the roof. It barley budges down with all that. Plus you can set them up from 6-10ft high ceilings.
They are just expensive to get a good big size tent.
I have a generic 4x8 that bounces pretty good when you hang the at600. But holds it fine. You can distribute the load around with the 4 points of hanging. But ya, they are beast, so that needs to be taken account for.
Yes, I should stop being lazy and just frame out a room. As for the HID suggestion, I'm still trying to get away from the wattage, and generating a bunch of heat and moving it 15' away, etc... But yeah, I do love my Ushio HPS and Digilux MH, and that's pretty much what the competition is using.

Actually I was planning to go HID in the winter, and run this LED rig in the summer. We'll see, more input and thought still needed before I spend a bunch of money. This COB rig is sounding killer though, and it would benefit the community.

Gorilla tents, thought so. They are beefy.
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im tired of buy shit that doesnt work and well to tell you the truth im fed up with lies, in general and with growing convince me for realz!!!! i talk to the reps from nutrient lines fucken lies and photo shop lolz

Us cool kids lol have proven so far what works and what doesn't. The best lighting. No particular order

Inda Gro
Apache Tech
Area 51
Hans Led
Diy Cree cobs
Philips cmh
home depot Cree globes
Any light made by SDS

bml and illumitex are not on the list. They have not been proven.
I don't know much about most of those products and their output... but my gut tells me the at600 is probably top dog in the market right now.

The pontoon you have seems weak for the price.
The flower initiator is what brings most of the cost to the pontoon, although I am sure they still do make a plenty on it. Not many products on the market of its kind atm so until there is competition they get to name the price, economics 101. Not to mention cost of intial production startup and R&D that went into the product, I hope to see the price drop as the tech that makes it what it what it is comes down in price but who knows...
^^^^^ hardly any companies produce quality 730 leds. Those cost more than any other led. The hard part is finding them. That and the boards and the housing is what costs so much. Another example of econ 101.. People too much emphasis $ per watt. Not performance and results. Of course IG makes a profit. That's why they are in business. The mark up from production cost is very minimal. I will say Inda gro has the best customer service of any company. Not just this industry..
Would you consider Plant Photonics for that list?


Us cool kids lol have proven so far what works and what doesn't. The best lighting. No particular order

Inda Gro
Apache Tech
Area 51
Hans Led
Diy Cree cobs
Philips cmh
home depot Cree globes
Any light made by SDS

bml and illumitex are not on the list. They have not been proven.
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