Is it normal for buds to be fat as 2 thumbs 40 days of flowering?


Well-Known Member
I gotta wait for the light to be close first but i will post you good pictures tomorow =] hands/fingers comparaison, ruler if i got space and bic comparaisons :D I hope you do lol i know how you are feeling! Your not alone wer in the same boat ;)
yours seem bigger to me xD .. cant wait to see the pics :P ^^


Well-Known Member
thanks lets say they look pretty much the same .... mby by experience u know how big ur cola will get? :D
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polo the don

Well-Known Member
xD ...... have u been fallowing my thread too? :D any words bout the buds? :P This RIU community is awesome :p
I have been watching. This one and the MANY other threads you started about this plant. I have commented on a couple of them.

I say, unless you have really small hands like that dude on the Burger King commercial your gonna be ok.

Your first grow is just for learning. When I planted my first seeds I thought I was gonna be a millionaire in 60 days. Watch how much better the next grow is and how much better the 3rd is then how much better the 4th is then how much better the 5th is then how much better the 6th is then..........


Well-Known Member
I have been watching. This one and the MANY other threads you started about this plant. I have commented on a couple of them.

I say, unless you have really small hands like that dude on the Burger King commercial your gonna be ok.

Your first grow is just for learning. When I planted my first seeds I thought I was gonna be a millionaire in 60 days. Watch how much better the next grow is and how much better the 3rd is then how much better the 4th is then how much better the 5th is then how much better the 6th is then..........
U saw on the pics what is my hand like :P Ye i know it will get better from grow to grow but i did researches bout growing this stuff and i expected to do better ;D


Well-Known Member
Ahahahahahaha x) I never cut anything on my plant it make me feel bad for them lol i dont want to hurt them D: i kiss their leaves sometime while talking to them <3 I prefer plant and animals over most humans but thats my opinion (:
Here are my 2 babys <3 One Blue Dream from HSO and one Anesthesia from pyramid
This is my first grow so i am kinda wondering the same thing
Here some new pics guys :D how am i dooin?


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Well-Known Member
Lol dude you couldnt believe how hard and how long it took me to take those pictures x) Since i forgot this morning i had to build something with my iphone and sun glass to try to picture them -_- Had to hold the sun glass and the iphone with one hand as well as trying to press the picture button with my fingers with the same hand -_- Had to take the focus too as well and steady the best as i could for the focus to happen while in the same time with my other hand i was trying to take the comparaison of my fingers and the bic :fire: Anyway ;) here the picture they arent great at all they are bit bigger in real but couldnt catch the right angle because of the leaves.. tryed my best! :D :bigjoint:

Btw the little mark on my fingers = around 1cm and the flowers are 47 days old in flowering


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