IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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SDS, I appreciate your back peddling, but a plant cannot manufacture light, However, it can take what it needs and leave the rest, unless it is bombarded with R/B monochrome only, even if supplemented with less than sufficient 500-600

My 2 cents

Maybe someone will actually do an A/B (C/D/E) grow test then have each analyzed

As you can imagine such a test will be very expensive.

I contend that the very people feeding us crap food have done it, and know the truth
Hello All, Down here in South Florida...new, and wanted any input on indoor lights...

RU Nutzz?

Florida is NOT a legal state.

You are putting a bulls-eye on yourself.

Cancel your account and pick an anonymous UN


I tell you man, not everyone is aware of their surroundings, if Edward Snowden ain't wake you up, you smoking on some synthetically unflushed toxic good good. Keep focus, third eye open and be perceptive.
Don't get me wrong, I am a A 51 fan, but BML is more flexible for the $$$: 12" @ $119

You can use their DIY and select your own 'colors' for individual bars!


Each length is minimum of 12" I'm thinking 3-4 @ 12/24" would be killer in a small tent

BUT, you would need to DIY a simple frame
to rest them on
Maybe you could zip tie them to one of those modular shelves that you get at Walmart, Target, etc... If they make a 2x2. This is what I do with the Sunblaster T5 strips.
No,Pet FGS !
I'm not backpeddling by no means!
I stay pretty strong in my ...'beliefs' ..(it'is actually a religion,after all ...)

What I'm saying to here is simple ...
An example ..
'Young ' (from seedlings to ready to be transplanted ) lettuce plants ,if grown bedded under leds ..
Green will probably be detrimental ...

Growing mj with some WW and plenty of green monochromatics ,would be ..at least funny to watch...Dunno,actually !

Having 200 Watts of light per square meter ....
25-50 W of them should be in the region of 500-600 nm

Having 500 Watts of light per square meter ....
50-100 W of them must be in the region of 500-600 nm

If sometimes things might decline somewhat from route ....(? route to unknown ! ....)
It is not back-peddling ...
Maybe's the wind ,Pet ...

Have to search and ' ride' on the wind of truth and knowledge ...
Who wants to peddle ?
Backwards or forwards ,same thing...
No,Pet FGS !
I'm not backpeddling by no means!
I stay pretty strong in my ...'beliefs' ..(it'is actually a religion,after all ...)

What I'm saying to here is simple ...
An example ..
'Young ' (from seedlings to ready to be transplanted ) lettuce plants ,if grown bedded under leds ..
Green will probably be detrimental ...

Growing mj with some WW and plenty of green monochromatics ,would be ..at least funny to watch...Dunno,actually !

Having 200 Watts of light per square meter ....
25-50 W of them should be in the region of 500-600 nm

Having 500 Watts of light per square meter ....
50-100 W of them must be in the region of 500-600 nm

If sometimes things might decline somewhat from route ....(? route to unknown ! ....)
It is not back-peddling ...
Maybe's the wind ,Pet ...

Have to search and ' ride' on the wind of truth and knowledge ...
Who wants to peddle ?
Backwards or forwards ,same thing...

I had to hit the bowl and really READ into that again, you are deep my brother, my first reaction? "what's up with this spoken word response, this dude is on some shit"... then I took a hit and put the immature first reaction to the side and realized you hold the answer to life. Life is a journey, don't stay neutral, follow your inner voice.
I had to hit the bowl and really READ into that again, you are deep my brother, my first reaction? "what's up with this spoken word response, this dude is on some shit"... then I took a hit and put the immature first reaction to the side and realized you hold the answer to life. Life is a journey, don't stay neutral, follow your inner voice.

It gets worse ...
Some shit ?
Yep ..Sometimes I smoke home grown led flowerbud dry specimens from a (not so) rare plant ...
Sometimes more,sometimes less ..
Can't escape love ,though...

Apparently you did not read through his thread, but are criticizing. WTF?

He also grew a strain not known for big yields

So you read the study on SDSs thread (or did you?) but are still in the low 'green' camp?

Even though several guys are getting excellent results with 3000K COBs?

Oh well...

And what about long term genetic issues due to lack of full spectrums?

FYI: The sun is not < 5% green

He flowered with it though and then a gave high-scoring(9/10) overall review ........so my criticisms are allowed IMO


also as far as I know Osram leds are NOT 100% USA made. Another thing I wanted to ask is Osram even making emitters in all these NM's(too lazy to check)?? how are BML allowing you to change beam angles in their custom builds when oslons have a fixed 80 degree primary angle, or are they NOT using top-bin oslons at all?? OR is the spydr a completely different animal compared to the rest of their products (can't customize anything other than arms lengths)??

that's allot of questions........:confused:

The dutch have been breeding for decades under just HID with no major genetic issues that I know of.........mj will adjust to most light sources as clearly seen in this section.

we've had good ALL "white" led grows going all the way back to when the first white smd(100w) chips came out......Gastanker/ Rasser, maybe/and the other fellow?(CW 100w/WW 100w mix grow) did runs..........Fran/Puff will remember:mrgreen:
we've had good ALL "white" led grows going all the way back to when the first white smd(100w) chips came out......Gastanker/ Rasser, maybe/and the other fellow?(CW 100w/WW 100w mix grow) did runs..........Fran/Puff will remember:mrgreen:

The three amigos (at least threads) all the playerz are in these....the white pioneerz... :)


AH yes majorcocco was the guy I couldn't remember(the lurker had even one of his brilliant/rare posts)................was a good run too

Good questions

Why don't you ask BML?

sooooooooooooo obvious it hurts;-)
also as far as I know Osram leds are NOT 100% USA made. Another thing I wanted to ask is Osram even making emitters in all these NM's(too lazy to check)?? how are BML allowing you to change beam angles in their custom builds when oslons have a fixed 80 degree primary angle, or are they NOT using top-bin oslons at all?? OR is the spydr a completely different animal compared to the rest of their products (can't customize anything other than arms lengths)??

that's allot of questions........:confused:

osram opto semiconductor Inc.
there are two version in the oslon family, oslon ssl80; oslon ssl150
only IR(735nm) and UV are not in the oslon series
AH yes majorcocco was the guy I couldn't remember(the lurker had even one of his brilliant/rare posts)................was a good run too

sooooooooooooo obvious it hurts;-)

So... hurt me

It seems a lot of you think I am privy to all the BML info

You know what happens when you assume
He flowered with it though and then a gave high-scoring(9/10) overall review ........so my criticisms are allowed IMO


also as far as I know Osram leds are NOT 100% USA made. Another thing I wanted to ask is Osram even making emitters in all these NM's(too lazy to check)?? how are BML allowing you to change beam angles in their custom builds when oslons have a fixed 80 degree primary angle, or are they NOT using top-bin oslons at all?? OR is the spydr a completely different animal compared to the rest of their products (can't customize anything other than arms lengths)??

that's allot of questions........:confused:

The dutch have been breeding for decades under just HID with no major genetic issues that I know of.........mj will adjust to most light sources as clearly seen in this section.

we've had good ALL "white" led grows going all the way back to when the first white smd(100w) chips came out......Gastanker/ Rasser, maybe/and the other fellow?(CW 100w/WW 100w mix grow) did runs..........Fran/Puff will remember:mrgreen:
Good points. I've sent one email to BML. The owner, Nick, replied that you can order the Spydr 600 with custom build your owns, no extra charge. I have no answers to any of those other questions you raise, and I'm not jumping on their bandwagon just yet. I would prefer a fanless setup though, and those new Illumitex are even more expensive.

All that said, plants are responding well to the rebranded Chinese hybrid panel with one induction bulb. I need to get the second induction socket rewired, I broke it. I wish they would just use longer wires on these things.
I should add, the new Illumitex, the big one, is 520 watts I think, so a lot more than the BML Spydr. From that standpoint, I'd probably be more confident in projected nug density from an Illumitex setup, but it's a huge investment if you need more than one. I also saw a comment from someone who thought the Illumitex would overheat and eventually fail, probably a competitor though.

Also I think PSU put me on his ignore list for being a rude asshole. Please tell him I love him and I'm sorry.
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osram opto semiconductor Inc.
there are two version in the oslon family, oslon ssl80; oslon ssl150
only IR(735nm) and UV are not in the oslon series

So 50% then:-P ......lol.....I'm just gonna be an ass and say most are manufactured in Malaysia....

Also bml offers way more beam angle choices than just 80/150

so God/guod do you think their fixtures are 100% top bin Oslons== $999 For 300w+@a profit?!?

Get back to me you little devil.....
So 50% then:-P ......lol.....I'm just gonna be an ass and say most are manufactured in Malaysia....

Also bml offers way more beam angle choices than just 80/150

so God/guod do you think their fixtures are 100% top bin Oslons== $999 For 300w+@a profit?!?

Get back to me you little devil.....
Well, if they're made in Malaysia, maybe so? I'm sure they make some top bins by accident. :lol:
My guess is not top bins

Keep in mind who their primary customer is

They are just now sticking their toe in the mj waters

Hoping the critiques to my SPYDR grow will be towards how to improve it specifically for mj

Pretty sure Nick will respond positively, assuming he sees enough potential, which starts with someone like me being the Guinea Pig.

On paper it looks pretty good.

Comparable to A51? Dunno yet. I'm betting it will be competitive.

If not so much with the currents bins, then probably with higher bin Q

Anyway, it's not costing me anything, and he made me agree to return the SPYDR after I do a full grow

By then, who knows, maybe bars with 10w COBs
Well if they're not top bins, maybe you (Pet) can find out for us, if they're lows or mids.. I'd like to know before spending any money on them, especially when everyone is telling me to get A51, and this Chinese panel is even working for me. You'd think top bin would be one of the secrets to their claimed amazing efficiency.

But more importantly, I've spilled red jalapeno hot sauce all over myself... guess this brand doesn't have a lid.
So... hurt me

It seems a lot of you think I am privy to all the BML info

You know what happens when you assume

you push bml like you are trying to get a commission....every one of your posts in every thread is about bml... even if it has nothing to do with the subject matter. There is zero proof of what these lights can do.. they are driven so soft .. so we'll see. after 2 or 3 harvests. then is when you talk about how good the light is, not after 1 week of veg...
So 50% then:-P ......lol.....I'm just gonna be an ass and say most are manufactured in Malaysia....

Also bml offers way more beam angle choices than just 80/150

so God/guod do you think their fixtures are 100% top bin Oslons== $999 For 300w+@a profit?!?

Get back to me you little devil.....


i wouldt use what you hate most.... Lenses

Osram dont sell top bins, what you got is always a mix

and for the profit, i pay 3€ for one Oslon mounted on a starPCB.
20% less if i go for 100.
@ 1000 without the PCB just 1€
and at 350mA, you have not pay much for Heatsink and driver
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