The forbidden TRUTH

What the fuck do you not understand about "I used to be a christian"?

It's a a myth. Dozens of religions have all claimed the same thing, and they've all had believers that have claimed the same thing as you, and they've all been equally as full of shit as the last one.

I don't know what age you were when you claim to worship GOD through Our GOD Jesus Christ, but if your 12 and never read the HOLY BIBLE and got dragged to church or something that doesn't count. I am talking about as a grown man who has seen good things and evil things, to decide to read the HOLY BIBLE follow the Laws of righteousness and repent in our GOD's Jesus Christ name the son of the Most High, and to continue to stay in that relationship. You will have communication. But you have to actually hate what GOD hates, and mean what you say when you pray.
I don't know what age you were when you claim to worship GOD through Our GOD Jesus Christ, but if your 12 and never read the HOLY BIBLE and got dragged to church or something that doesn't count. I am talking about as a grown man who has seen good things and evil things, to decide to read the HOLY BIBLE follow the Laws of righteousness and repent in our GOD's Jesus Christ name the son of the Most High, and to continue to stay in that relationship. You will have communication. But you have to actually hate what GOD hates, and mean what you say when you pray.
Even if I wanted to believe, I couldn't. I need evidence before I can justify belief, because I'm, you know, sane?
Even if I wanted to believe, I couldn't. I need evidence before I can justify belief, because I'm, you know, sane?

Don't worry about your lack of faith, just deciding you want to seek GOD is the start. GOD will reveal Himself to those who seek him diligently. Just read The Laws of righteousness and follow them, faith will follow. It would help you greatly to Read The Book of Enoch, Testament of Solomon and the HOLY BIBLE so you know what's going on. Start by follow the Laws of righteousness and you will be quickly on your way.
Don't worry about your lack of faith, just deciding you want to seek GOD is the start. GOD will reveal Himself to those who seek him diligently. Just read The Laws of righteousness and follow them, faith will follow. It would help you greatly to Read The Book of Enoch, Testament of Solomon and the HOLY BIBLE so you know what's going on. Start by follow the Laws of righteousness and you will be quickly on your way.

Sorry, but if you know your history then you would know the bible is a fairy tale. Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays, and any religion was simply a means to contorl ignorant people. In this day and age I cannot fathom how any educated person can feel otherwise.

Spirituality is something that will never be found in a church, and the concept of heaven is flawed. If there was a heaven, THIS IS IT! If there were angels they would envy our mortality.

And god made us in his image? That's rich... And god is a male? That doesn't even make sense.

Before christianity ruined everything that was good on this earth people use to worship the sun, the moon, the forest, and WOMEN!!! They call it paganism, but in reality paganism is beautiful and encourages spirituality and puts women on a pedestal(the one MOTHER earth). Christianity and it's holidays are all converted pagan holidays. That is why there is a easter bunny/eggs. Easter is a pagan holiday or fertility and the rabbit and eggs are symbols of this. Easter has nothing to do with an imaginary man.

Jesus was a cult leader and scam artist-just like any other cult figure.
Don't worry about your lack of faith, just deciding you want to seek GOD is the start. GOD will reveal Himself to those who seek him diligently. Just read The Laws of righteousness and follow them, faith will follow. It would help you greatly to Read The Book of Enoch, Testament of Solomon and the HOLY BIBLE so you know what's going on. Start by follow the Laws of righteousness and you will be quickly on your way.
It's not lack of 'faith', it's I think the entire Christian religion is bogus. The idea of Adam and Eve is so ludicrous that even children with the slightest of critical thinking skills question the validity of it. Noah, and the ark? Bullshit.

The concept of original sin is so fucking dumb it almost hurts me to think about it.

Then there's the idea that god sacrificed himself, to himself, to forgive us for a sin he condemned us with, because he made a rib-woman that was seduced by a talking snake.

I haven't even touched on how immoral god is. Slaves? Genocide? Misogyny?

Who in their right mind would willingly follow someone like that?
Adam and eve is a story that has been around way before the bible. Look up the Epic of Gilgamesh-one of the first books ever written.

It has the adam and eve story AND the story of noah WAY before the bible was ever written!!!! The people who wrote the bible were converting pagan fables into christian ones.

It's the same thing! A different group of people saw the power of a cult leader and just 'added' another chapter after the bible. Same exact religion.
But you have to actually hate what GOD hates, and mean what you say when you pray.
"Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In"

Anyhow back to what you said. You faith is misguided brother. God does not hate anything. God is beyond hate. God, as we agree, is perfect, hate connotes imperfection, thus God cannot hate anything. If you believe in a God that hates you are a blasphemer according to your standards and the above reasoning. Therefore stop preaching hate and seek some urgent help either from a doctor or a spiritual adviser if that is your disposition.
Christianity kills spirituality and spreads ignorant hate, same as islam-more blood has been shed from religion then anything else.

It's a story book! All the stories in the bible were around WAY before it was written-just with different characters. Ditto with christian holidays-they were all pagan holidays that the rulling class made into christian ones. These are facts.

If you want spirituality then go help someone other then yourself. Give your time to those who need it. Help the less fortunate, donate your old clothes, visit dying people in the hospital. Beauty is all around us and churches are just an ugly permenant stain spreading hate under the guise 'morality'. There are terrible institutions that pray on old ladies and young boys.

Spirituality cannot be found in a church-churches and religion give the weak minded hope that there may be something after we die. I can assure you there is, and it's not heaven.

Pain is an illusion, don't waste your time worshiping an idol when you could actually be helping people and making an impact in this world...

I don't even think god exists, how could I possibly 'mean what I say when I pray'? It doesn't even make sense.
Christianity preaches hate! If you want to worship another human being that lived a long time ago, that's fine. Don't tell people to read story books and tell them it's fact or that salvation can be found within it's text!
Praying is a good thing...praying to an imaginary charles manson in the sky is another.

Meditaion is awesome and actually productive to your well being.
For anyone who might be saved from this, I offer you Dr Naruda (Wingmakers) Interviews

Hint: There is a CREATOR, but it's not a god, he/she/it could care less about worship

Any so-called god that does is an imposter whose power is used to control

To find out who is playing god yu will need to read the interviews

Best to start with Interview 1

You know how to search, so let the deprogramming begin in 3... 2... 1
Sorry for the rant. The bible is a great book, filled with amazing stories, and dare I say a few lessons to learn- However its true purpose has always been to contol the feable minded.

I am not an aetheist I do believe in a creator! I'm not ignorant enough to believe that it is a male homosapien with a beard though.

That is just like us humans-to think we are 'god' like or 'god' made us in his image.
By the way my comments do not reflect my personal disposition to god, God or GOD or anything spiritual. It's about rational analysis and true unafraid introspection.
Never figured out the whole loving, caring, forgiving god thing.
Worship me, and do as i say, or spend eternity burning in hell. Not exactly loving or caring.
Yes Adam and Eve had free will, Men and Angels have free will. Mankind started to build a giant tower to go up into the atmosphere because when GOD came to Earth He came down from the sky, they had no idea it was a different dimension, They said to each other things like what's GOD going to do to stop us? scatter us? and change our tongues? GOD got angry and did just that.
Moved the continents and scattered the people, changes their langue.

How often Do I break GOD's law? If I can never, but sometimes I say something mean or rude, or think something evil. But I seek repentance. The path is hard but more rewarding then anyone can fathom.
how could Adam and eve have free will...the bible clearly states that they did not have the ability to distinguish from good and evil.
Gen 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. they did not known this until their eyes were opened... gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil... it's just like a new born baby totally innocent knows nothing of right and wrong, as the baby grows, starts, to crawl around. one day he crawls over to the coffee table the parents tell don' touch the cup but he does...even knocks it over and spills the milk. he has no idea that what he did was wrong... first he disobeyed his parents by touching the cup... second he knocked the cup over wasting the milk...Now in your holy bible it says if you were blind you would have no sin... now to the tower of babel the earth was of one language for what ever reason they started to build a tower that would reach unto heaven these people were of one mind and each one had his own bit of truth to build this tower they needed each other the tower couldn't be built without each other, for what ever reason god confounded or confused them by causing each man to speak a different language. The tower could no longer be built...they scattered on the earth what happened?... in the process of time each man became a country and each man's bit of truth became that countries religion so in the process of more time each mans bit of truth became lost and hidden in all religions have bits of truth but no religion is the truth or the way....I am not a Christian , nor am I a Moslem , or any other religious group...but yet I am a part of them all
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