Apparently you did not read through his thread, but are criticizing. WTF?
He also grew a strain not known for big yields
So you read the study on SDSs thread (or did you?) but are still in the low 'green' camp?
Even though several guys are getting excellent results with 3000K COBs?
Oh well...
And what about long term genetic issues due to lack of full spectrums?
FYI: The sun is not < 5% green
Hey-hey ...
Wait a min Pet ...
Let's sort some things out ....
I ;'ve never suggested that green light is mandatory ...
I've always supported that ...
Depending on species, strain,grow techniques utilised , absolute total light power ,green light power ,the overall ratio of(UV)-R-G-B-(FR) and few other factors ....
Then green light (=> 500nm to 600 nm region ,thus cyan yellow and amber ,except the green )
Can be from
destructive ,to detrimental ,to useful,to beneficial
to mandatory ....
Unfortunately the green light story ,is still debatable,as PSUAGRO mentioned...
It really 'confuses and dazzles ' a whole bunch of scientists ..
Neither you or me ,or anyone else ,can have a definite answer to the 'Green light" question ...
Really complicated ...
(Right now,the only knowing the 'whole ' 'secret'/ truth are plants themselves,actually,LOL!.)
What is known is this simple thing ....
As total irradiation (light power ) increases ...Then ..
'Green light' starts to show ,really positive effects ,in most plant species ...
And that ..
When at (high ) total irradiances of 1000-2000 umol/sec ,it comprises the 15-25% of the total light power ...
(Which is just 1/5 - 1/4 ! of total light power ..The rest
3/4 (80-75% )of power is shared between the 'blue' and 'red' ranges ....With red dominating,in most cases )
The new Han's panels ,are right on spot ...(I think ...)
With two efficient Cool white crees ,it has all the 'greens' needed ..
Sacrificing as less efficiency as possible ....
It may seem as a 'simple' color choice (at start ...)
But ain't ....
In fact,it is one of the best suited ,to our purposes ...
Efficient and simple .
There are other ways ..
Almost equally good ...(Nowdays,at least ,yes ! )
If not better ...
So ...We;'re blessed ,us Led growers ...
As we've the chance to choose from many different fine choices ,
accustomed to each one's special needs ,levels, allowances and/or restrictions ..
And that versatility is what makes LEDS really shine !
Peace,brother ...