Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
It's cool. It gave me an opportunity to try out new germinating methods that have paid off. I used reg bagseed to do my trials.. But yea, just have to look at it as a learning experience. :grin:
Such is life ;) without our mistakes we'd be a bunch of dumbasses lol
I'm watching the movie the butler and.....This movie is really upsetting me..
Haven't seen it yet, heard it was supposed to be good though. I might watch it if I can get over that bitch O being in it LOL


Well-Known Member
Such is life ;) without our mistakes we'd be a bunch of dumbasses lol

Haven't seen it yet, heard it was supposed to be good though. I might watch it if I can get over that bitch O being in it LOL
Yea, the reason I didn't want to watch it is cause of her racist race baiting and how she just recently said that all old white men should die.

So far its a good movie and she isn't in too much of it, but while watching it seeing all the things that happen during that time is just sad. We are all living beings and should be treated as such. I wish I would have lived in the 60's I would have whooped them peoples asses for treating them like that.

Its a really sad movie, but it has some great actors in it.


Well-Known Member
Yea, the reason I didn't want to watch it is cause of her racist race baiting and how she just recently said that all old white men should die.

So far its a good movie and she isn't in too much of it, but while watching it seeing all the things that happen during that time is just sad. We are all living beings and should be treated as such. I wish I would have lived in the 60's I would have whooped them peoples asses for treating them like that.

Its a really sad movie, but it has some great actors in it.
I'd heard it was very moving...good to hear she isn't in it too much, I"m interested in the story myself, not her ass.

I feel the same way man, I'd have never stood for the shit that got done back then. Not for a minute ;) well got to run see my kid, she needs a loan (bank of MOM) lol but I won't be gone that long. Just there and back this time, its a pretty day at least for the long drive. Later bro ;)


Well-Known Member
My fiancee is so good to me... I just now checked the fridge for something to drink and she went and got me some of my favorite tea..
If you like sweet tea and haven't tried gold peak, you all should.. Or even pure leaf...
peace tea hands down
or arizona green tea

and when you mix a auto and photo
odds are very slim that it will auto after you cross those to back to another auto you might start seeing them show up one of my home state buddies has 10 of my crosses going and they are all past the preflower size of the kc45 and have yet to show sex
thats all i got out of him that they are photo as far as he knows


Well-Known Member
peace tea hands down
or arizona green tea

and when you mix a auto and photo
odds are very slim that it will auto after you cross those to back to another auto you might start seeing them show up one of my home state buddies has 10 of my crosses going and they are all past the preflower size of the kc45 and have yet to show sex
thats all i got out of him that they are photo as far as he knows
Yea, I was told it would be like 25% if that.

When they're both autos the cross should be auto correct?


Well-Known Member
honestly if one is stable and one isnt but it auto's normally you would still almost have stable offspring
** edit **
forgot to add they are growing like the kc45 not like the purple haze for the most part he said he has a couple runts so i told him they are prolly taking after the mom


Well-Known Member
its the CBD brother people that havent ever smoked it get smashed with a body effect which IMO is the most pleasant out of all the buzz's
I need that feeling back for real... As weird as it is, I want at least one type of smoke that will put me on stupid.. I loved that feeling and I always laughed my ass off.. maybe my cross will give that to me.. who knows..

I can't even find the genetics for the auto climax I'm growing.. Says their unknown. o_O
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