Well-Known Member
The original sensi stock was amazing, their hashplant kicked ass. Yeah that's Bodhi lol it says on the user name and I'm pretty sure he has that watermelon hashplant in seed form now. Nepal has some of the most unique sativas on the planet because of the high cbd ratio whereas usually pure sativas have basically none, that bangi has nepali genetics in it!. yeah all over those places would be cool to see what's growing, shit they're pretty high up for sativas.
We should have a good one, I've found every second season is good eg. 2010/11, 2012/2013 and this season was shit.
I'm sure you will figure something out, weed smokers always find a way to work something out when it comes to our plants lol.
my 50watt fluro works good for cloning/rooting and starting seeds off, also look into getting a heat pad for your younglings.
Yeah anything will work but you don't want anything under 40 watt, put them out in the sun like you did last year and they should be sweet.
Someone grew Banghi over in Denmark! which is 55N latitude. I personally wouldn't risk growing landrace sativas down south, they only barely finish up here as it is. Yeah only get 1 taskenti and get a fem panama dc if you want, get 2 and I'll swap you some Panama and/or Orient Express seeds for one or some landrace africans lolhaha. Deep Chunk's a landrace Afghanica that's extremely frosty and purple by the looks, put Panama in the mix and you have yourself a god like strain
I'm pretty sure they're hardly ever in stock.
It'd do really well down your way and I think It'd finish early April around the same time you harvested your plant this year. Can't order stuff to your house when there's 'something' going on here if you know what I mean ha.
Amazing that its bodhi! If it can grow in Nepal around the Himalayas then it sure as hell can grow here I guess

Yeah it would be awesome going to Nepal, ive been looking through this thread: https://www.rollitup.org/t/monster-marijuana-tree-harvest-in-nepal.285877/page-13
Hes got some amazing plants and there's weed just growing wild everywhere over there like in vegetable crop areas and shit. Hes got some algood videos on his you tube channel.
Theirs a harvest on his you tube channel he done of a 20ft sativa its massive!
Aw algood, pretty excited now then! Yeah shot man Ill defiantly figure something out. At this stage Im think of using an ordinary box painted white inside with a computer or usb fan and some cfls and an air vent to let air out with a light timer in my closet and then ill just chuck them outside once they're big enough. What light schedule do i use before they go out?
Damn out of it that someone grew bangi in 55N! Yeah I dont mind getting two fem Panama DC and doing a trade

Cant wait for next season. Ah yea makes sense since there's 'something' going on lol Hows the Malawi hangng on, reckon shel finish? Also how does the Panama smoke?