Well-Known Member
they know scandal.Are these the same guys who tried to impeach another president for getting his knob gobbled then gave another pres a pass on how he was gonna fund 2 foreign wars?
they know scandal.Are these the same guys who tried to impeach another president for getting his knob gobbled then gave another pres a pass on how he was gonna fund 2 foreign wars?
Is that what your history class taught you Clinton was impeached for?Are these the same guys who tried to impeach another president for getting his knob gobbled then gave another pres a pass on how he was gonna fund 2 foreign wars?
Is that what your history class taught you Clinton was impeached for?
I refuse to justify wars in the middle east whether funded or unfunded, so that dog won't hunt.
I wonder why the lie was told to us in the beginning, why the lies are being lied about now, and would like to see things like that stopped or at least have people held accountable for doing it. I don't understand why people are against finding the truth.
Your Benghazi defense is stale, it is obsolete, that was then, this is now.i have already cited quite clearly within this very thread WTFIATA.
in the "47%" tapes, romney clearly says he will attempt his best to exploit any kind of foreign policy crisis that comes up.
recall post #30
in the Jimmy Carter election, the fact that we have hostages in Iran, I mean, that was all we talked about. And we had the two helicopters crash in the desert, I mean that's—that was—that was the focus, and so him solving that made all the difference in the world. I'm afraid today if you said, "We got Iran to agree to stand down a nuclear weapon," they'd go hold on. It's really a, but…by the way, if something of that nature presents itself, I will work to find a way to take advantage of the opportunity.
so the manufacture of this non-scnadal was premeditated. it was then pushed heavily for months by the republican media arm, the liars and propagandists over at FOX news.
but it went beyond that. the GOP got caught trying to lie and alter emails in order to strengthen what little non-scandal they had to work with.
recall post #29:
so the manufacture was premeditated from the very top, pushed hard by the top propaganda mill of the republican party, and lies and deceptions were pushed by the GOP as well (maliciously) since they had no case in this manufactured non-scandal.
as far as burying the voting record, you were warned about that well ahead of the attack.
recall post #22:
so there ya go. that is WTFIATA.
this was premeditated, manufactured by propagandists, pushed by liars, attempted to be made worse by deception, and the voting record is being buried. lying, altering emails, deceiving, manufacturing.
it's all BULLSHIT. and if you had eyes for anything other than this non-scandal that you have been duped into believing in, you wouldn't have even had to ask me to explain it since i have posted it all already in this very thread.
fucking republicans.
I think Buck is actually Iraqwarwrong.Your Benghazi defense is stale, it is obsolete, that was then, this is now.
Please attempt to deal with current news.
Dear Buck you are so predictably ignorant of current political news that it renders your post to be nothing less than a parody of liberal blissful ignorance!
iraqwarwrong said:I was watching Three Kings (good flick, but not enough action!) and I realized that something can cause confusion so I decided to clear up it.
When I say The Iraq War I mean the one we just fought, with George W. Bush as President. (The one that was wrong)
Yes (don't write letters!), I am aware there was another, different war involving Iraq once, when George H.W. Bush was President. But the name of that war isThe Gulf War, and probably it was wrong too, but that's beyond the scope of this blog.
Which, to remind, is about The Iraq War. Being wrong.
P.S. Someone can feel free to create a sister blog about The Gulf War being wrong and I'd be happy to link to it. I like to stay focused here though.
ok, i will not focus on the premeditated nature of this non-scandal, the lies and altered emails that you idiots got busted trying to do, and the voting record which shows the GOP was warned about the danger of their votes to cut embassy security.Please attempt to deal with current news.
Maybe you should look at the fact that the recently judicially compelled release of e-mails (almost two years later), at the very least, indicates that the Administration was less than forthright in it's initial response to Congressional inquiries.ok, i will not focus on the premeditated nature of this non-scandal, the lies and altered emails that you idiots got busted trying to do, and the voting record which shows the GOP was warned about the danger of their votes to cut embassy security.
let's focus on something more recent then.
woops, no one cares.
you must be talking into a mirror. this entire thing was premeditated, manufactured, lied about, and covered up by you hysterical shrieking bigots.Best of luck maintaining this ruse for very much longer.
witch hunts and committees are different things, ya know.a Committee has been formed to collate all this