Prostitution - Good or Bad?

Rape of a prostitute is not's still rape.

I used theft in the sense that it "steals" a persons right of self determination. Acts of initiating aggression are a kind of theft.

However we are splitting pubic hairs.
I used theft in the sense that it "steals" a persons right of self determination. Acts of initiating aggression are a kind of theft.

However we are splitting pubic hairs.
Sorry, my bad. I wasn't thinking along those lines.

I was thinking along the line of stealing what she was selling. Like a pack of gum.
That's just because...
No, I said that. The part of what I said that you quoted was me. What you did there was leave out the Bert Russell quote but spew some nonsense about him.

Try not to get attacked by any mothers at the playground while the police accuse you of kidnapping your own kid.
Sex is certainly an incentive, but there are others too.
One of the incentives for a man to get married is to father children with somebody that he cares about and respects.

Also men can already buy sex. If the prices got low enough though the rate of hairy palms could drop.


I don't know about y'all, but I've been fucking since high school.

Fucking has never been a reason to get married....for me at least.

Marriage to raise a family, sure, but for sex alone? Hellz no.

I don't know about y'all, but I've been fucking since high school.

Fucking has never been a reason to get married....for me at least.

Marriage to raise a family, sure, but for sex alone? Hellz no.
Why would you need marriage to raise a family...?

Lots of us do it, the heathens "living in sin" that we are and all...
Prostitution should absolutely be legal

It would certainly change the dynamic of marriage. Can't really deny a big part of marriage is sex, so either women who still wanted to get married would have to step the rest of their game up to compensate or fuck better than a professional, either way, it's a win/win for men in that respect

Makes sense why women lobby groups oppose it, it takes some of their power away
I like how you talk down on women all the time but get all up in arms if I talk down on losers making minimum wage.How would a minimum wager even afford one?
im pro hoein..... let a bitch walk that track till the wheels fall off... shame the pimp game dead while pussy still selling... and callgirls killed the pimp game.. ITS HARD OUT HERE FOR A PIMP