Are these big enough?

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
I have some plastic wire that i had around my plants but took it off under the assumption that they were big enough to be ignored by deer. I need to know if deer will still bother with my plants at this size. :confused:



Well-Known Member
Why not just leave em on and as the plant grows feed the branches through the holes?I think i'm gonna try it with a few of mine.good luck

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
Why not just leave em on and as the plant grows feed the branches through the holes?I think i'm gonna try it with a few of mine.good luck
well, the deer would be able to eat them if they stuck out of the holes...:confused:

bro thats when the deer love the plant. When they eat it they get horny...more the better-FACT
sounds like bs to me.

that plant looks fresh bro.
thanks, its actually 3 different plants. +rep for the compliment


Well-Known Member
Damn! they look like they get beaituful sunlight! What i would do is take your fencing and set it up a little higher than the plant a deer hunter and from past knowledge most of the time if there is a fencing around the food they deem it as a threat and will most likely stay away..but some have bigger balls then others...You could also piss around your plant or even on the fence to claim your posted this before i saw your last post

By the way, you baby is lookin healtier than ever, keep up the good work!


Active Member
man i guess im lucky, or just ignorant.

me and my friend have 8 outside the tallest is about up to my nipple and thats probably like 4 and a half feet.. but yah we see deer seriously every other day, but we havent noticed any chomp marks or anything like that

but its kinda close to a residence so that might be helpful


Active Member
I have only had problems with vermin eating plants that were under 6 inches... rabbits destroy mine until they are over 6 inches, have deer, but no problems with deer so far,,,, horny or otherwise!


Well-Known Member
thats the size of my oplants when i plant in the ground i would think if would be ok ive heard thay taste bitter when the plant gets a little big maby you would want to try some anaimal repelent i got some of the stuff you shake around the area havent tried it yet going to put it out this weekend i tried peeing all over and those damn deer still got my babes thay were only like 6 inch tall clones so the odds were not good . i think im getting a hunting license this year and ima take out one of those deer lol


Well-Known Member

captain canabiss

Active Member
You got rabbits,voles,wood rats,mice,and anything else that wants take advantage of the new water supply you are providing.Dont forget the two legged critters either. The first thing you do is go out in the fall into a jungle that no one in their right mind will even thick of entering.
1.clear out little pockets big enough for 5- 10 plants in each spot(think big plants),Clear out the undergrowth by pushing it out away from your selected areas. This creates your first wall of protection by thickening up the areas around each grow spot,Since it is in the fall the winter months will let the area grow back a bit ,still leaving your spots for spring.
Your plants will get eaten no matter if they are 2' or 10' tall if not protected.Unfortunately I have experienced the joy, a long long long time ago.
follow these steps and you will only have to worry about those pesky two legged varmints.Dont tell any one NO ONE. and keep your trail covered and your areas thick with brushy overgrowth or even drag in dead brush from elsewhere.

After pushing the brush out from your selectedspots run 4' tall chicken wire around the outside of your cleared spot aginst the brush ui just pushed out..Bury at least a foot of it in the dirt.Use the wire with 1/2" holes or you will wishyou did. Do this in the fall also,take live branches and weave through the wire to hold it in place as well create a more camoflagoued area.By next spring this spot will be perfect and each year after this spot will be good to you if YOU DONT TELL ANYBODY.

Dig the spot down about two feet and push the dirt out like the brush.Dig holes big enough to drop 15 gallon buckets in,before you put the buckets in throw lots broken glass in the whole,stick your buckets in each hole and
then fill withyour soil mixture,leave the top foot unfilled.
Take a roll of 2' metal flashing and cut 16"- 20" long pieces.Roll each piece so you now have a 2' tall by 4-6" around tube for each bucket,paint it green and brown.These then get about 8- 10" buried with the rest sticking up out of bucket,with your plant inside the tube,pat dirt around the tube so it is solid in the bucket,then fill bucket the rest of the way.

This keeps rats and rabbitts and the dreaded VOLES from killing ya. I had 3-8'ers 4-10'ers and two six footers setting up real nice in early sept and then one day they were alluntouched(so it looked) but wilting more each day. VOLES ate the membrane all the way around each stalk about one inch off the ground and about a two inch wide swath.This is why i started the metal flashing.NO incidents since.

I also take small plastic cups , fill with water and drop rat poison in .Then place the cups at the entrance to the rats nests.I have to go right now . But will send you a pic or drawing if you like later. REMEMBER THE TWO LEGGED CRITTERS ARTE THE WORSE,TELL NO ONE WHERE YOU GO WHEN YOU GO OR ANYTHING. 3AM is the best time to go.More bullett proof info soon.
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Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the useful info. I'll be watching for anything more you throw out. Working on my first outdoor grow in many many years. Had a very sucsessful stealth closet scrog grow this past winter. White Widow...9.5 oz. in a 5 sq. ft. first indoor grow.