Mohican's 2014 Season


Well-Known Member
I mean the la con and bd. They are budding but they are outdoors, right? If so, why? Or are they indoors? Outdoors shouldn't be budding yet. I was wondering why they are.


Well-Known Member
the light cycle is the same it the early spring as it is in fall;)

13.5- 14 hours of light right now. Of course they are budding. Mid May to June 1st is when vegging begins. In Cali outside, there is only 2.5 months of veg time of the year. The rest of the year is flower time. I planted seeds in Feb. I'm harvesting them within a week. My new outdoor. I move back and forth from indoor to outdoor to keep them in veg mode


Well-Known Member
My clones have been decimated by a couple of huge caterpillars! They went right for the Scott's OG!


Well-Known Member
Here is the caterpillar:

An example of the damage

How did they get in your cab? Were they on the plants before you put them in there or were they outside. Better spray with spinosad. Bastards. I saw those when I trimmed one year so I started using Green Light Lawn and Garden with spinosad from OCFS.



Well-Known Member
Must have been on the plants. I soaked them in neem when I took the cuttings. I will make sure to add the Safer Caterpillar Killer to the mix next time.

I sprayed the outdoor girls again last night and today I saw what I wanted. A caterpillar hanging from his silk.

This is going to be a bad year for bugs!