
It wasn't me. It was the one armed man. You narcissistic son of a bitch.
One time I was with my older brother at subway and we saw a really nice ass walking by and he said I'm gonna get that and I said no you aren't then I yelled out in a gay like lisp " DAMN ERIC I'M SO SORE FROM LAST NIGHT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO BIG "

And she said aww y'all are a cute gay couple

And my brother said "he's talking about when we were wrestling" and in my gay lisp I said " yeah wrestling in my asshole"

The whole restaurant looked at us and I yelled out " I'M QUEER AND I'M HERE " and this redneck yelled out "FAGS" and I said " what he's my brother and we insest you should be familiar with that"

Welp we had to run out of there and when we got in my brothers truck we laughed or asses off so much we almost wrecked

Moral of the story is never act gay in rural Virginia