I was trying to utilize some plastic bins to do a bubbleponic system. Does anyone know if theres a chart or something that tells you which size hole saws to use for what size net pots?
Just buy your net pot and then draw a template and cut it out with a dremmel saw or just a drill with a drill bit made for Metal, it does t have to be perfect
i used aviation snips its alot less messy then a whole saw or a dremel
and you can get a set for like 10 bucks when a 4" Milwaukee hole saw will run you around 30
or you can build one of your own, using wood, around the net pot of your choice to get the exact measurement. To build it, simply use 3 wooden paint mixing sticks layed out in the shape of a C around the net pot. Next, you can fasten the sticks using glue or screws, remove the net pot and measure your diameter.
I use a hole saw that is 1/8" smaller than netpot so it is secured when pushed in. There are 3-4 manufacturers of netpots but the hydrofarm are the best with the biggest lip and you can get 200 2" for $20