Who's the most beautiful …..What is your "type?"

Lmao yeah I guess it is but ever since I was like 12 I found them really attractive I rather fuck a scene girl then Jane Clement but thats just me lol

And ur right a girl with a fuck it attitude is bad but I like bad girls :p

But yeah I always date girls that are bad for me and idk why every girl I dated just led me to school yard fights and serious money and weed shortages. Relationships take alot of energy and time and all it leds to is pain and hardship lol
cause youre young, believe it wasnt long ago i was like that in relationships , and dated scene looking guys
now my tastes have changed like night and day lol
cause youre young, believe it wasnt long ago i was like that in relationships , and dated scene looking guys
now my tastes have changed like night and day lol

:0 how old are you sunni just wondering ik you're not supposed to ask a woman how old she is but I got to know cuz you always say how young I am
My mom is 69 ( don't say it..lol ) and she still tells ev1 she's only 29...silly woman..lol

Most old people bum me out.
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She be rockin the 40 ounce
But give me a short chick with a round bum brown black or red hair, cute smile and with the hourglass figure not a stick like model type.
Celebrities like kelly brooke, amy adams, isla fisher and jennifer love hewitt really turn my crank but i dont think any straight males wouldnt bea walking hardon around them so they dont count.
Yo, you niggaz, niggaz be actin like
They be lovin them, them them fancy bitches
I, I likes me a nasty bitch
Bitch that's willing to do anything at any given time
Bitch gotta be nasty cuz I'm a nasty nigga
I do anything baby, I wouldn't give a fuck what it was
I'll, ah, anything - I'm a nasty motherfucker girl
I tottally missed the what is your type part and was thinking beautiful I would love you if you would hang with me like this since the scene girl thread is closed...wel dis bitch would be on my scene


What a cutie! I wish I could look even remotely cute in a stocking cap….