More Obama Lies

Promises were made to be broken. Contracts are much more set in stone. Whenever someone from government "promises" something, you can bet your last dollar that promise will never come to fruition.

The only skills a politician possesses are skills of oration, they are useless otherwise.
It is not a simple matter of breaking promises, that is kid stuff compared to the outright brazen lies emanating from his mendacious Presidential mouth!

Does he ever tell the truth about anything?

I can only feel sorry for those among us who voted for this duplicitous prevaricator not only once, but twice.

And yet, some of these gullible voters still support this pathological liar.

And the only possible reason and explanation as to why I think this way is because I am a racist, right Buck?
It is not a simple matter of breaking promises, that is kid stuff compared to the outright brazen lies emanating from his mendacious Presidential mouth!

Does he ever tell the truth about anything?

I can only feel sorry for those among us who voted for this duplicitous prevaricator not only once, but twice.

And yet, some of these gullible voters still support this pathological liar.

And the only possible reason and explanation as to why I think this way is because I am a racist, right Buck?
Of course it is, because you and I both know that if he were white he wouldn't be as much of a failure.
Of course it is, because you and I both know that if he were white he wouldn't be as much of a failure.

There is more than a kernel of truth in that, sad, but all too true BnB.

If Mr.Obama was not black, he would have far fewer members of the media so motivated and determined to cover up and gloss over his obvious abject failures across the entire political board.

Truly a sad state of affairs indeed.
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There is more than a kernel of truth in that, sad, but all too true BnB.
I think it can be found in his own party.

He had solid control of both houses for the first two years of his presidency and couldn't get shit done on his agenda that he wanted. While he did get some health care law passed, it wasn't what he wanted.

I think the enlightened Democrats wanted a black hood ornament. A black guy in the white house to do what Mrs Pelosi and Mr Reed demanded. It's clear they didn't respect him as they did Clinton.

Speaking of Clinton, remember what he said when Obama won south Carolina primary?
Of course it is, because you and I both know that if he were white he wouldn't be as much of a failure.

Black and Democrat. He'd be like the Pokemon master with a sex scandal if he were Republican. According to Democrats, you magically are no longer black if you go to the Republican dark side. Look at Buck. He calls black Republicans thugs just like the Republicans call every Democrat black person. Hence, there's no such thing as racism, only ideological racism.
Black and Democrat. He'd be like the Pokemon master with a sex scandal if he were Republican. According to Democrats, you magically are no longer black if you go to the Republican dark side. Look at Buck. He calls black Republicans thugs just like the Republicans call every Democrat black person. Hence, there's no such thing as racism, only ideological racism.

ben carson is a fucking thug. should we review history again just so you can deny it?

i know how much right wingers like you love to hate on reality.
ben carson is a fucking thug. should we review history again just so you can deny it?

i know how much right wingers like you love to hate on reality.

He's only a thug because he's a Republican. Anyone who doesn't agree with you automatically gets called names. My name for you is brainwashed and an idiot.

I once ate meat for over 2/3rds my life, does that make me a meat eater? Being a 16 year old pot head fucked up your neurological logic based development more than my Aspergers affected my emotional development.
every single politician ime lies.. you know the old saying, how do you know when a politician is lying? his lips are moving. these things come out of some where, mostly fact based.. you don't get to the position of president of the us without knowing how to lie and side step a few land mines.
i don't care if you're a repub, dem, or w/e else, if you're a full time, career politician, i could use them in my garden to fertilize my crops with.. see what i did there? :D
You guys keep arguing about Republican and Democrat.. The government is laughing at you idiots because they made the propaganda up and they can make you believe anything... Great experiment.. now get in line you ant!
he's a thug because he has an uncontrollable temper and tried to smash his momma's head in with a hammer and stab his friend over a radio station.

Because I want to do the same to you, am I a thug? Or am I immune because of white privilege? Since you're the expert on thugness.
Seems I'm getting exactly what I seek. Why would I leave? 8)