Thinking of a new light ..

Had a window guy out to my house to discuss multi layered windows and coated glass. He had a big UV lamp like they use for keeping food warm. He put it outside my window and turned it on. Almost burned my hand! He put it behind some of his coated glass - no heat! It was a pretty cool sales gimmick.

Then he wanted $6K to install one 6x8 window so I kicked him out!

I went to the local building supply store and they have the same brand for $500. It has a few limitations compared to the deluxe window but it still has the magic coating. I can also get 10 and have them installed for the same price as his deluxe window!

:clap: :bigjoint:
...its not ir but on uv b i see...

on ir or uv bands ..We are in the bands of radiation...have to take extra precautions...we are humans..not plants...

sds i saw a lamp with uvc on your carefull...but you know this..

...on the other hand maybe I should go looking for diy uv radiometer...and maybe diy ir radiometer too;-)

on the way on control box separate... i like some similar to this ...

...with these or other drivers... more other monitor and capture diverse data and other things...maybe and anthen and wifi shield...


LMAO ..both music vids.....only dreams.. but im smile face with this vids...

on the arduino way... you know Fritzing software?...
itead shields or more i like... ;-) ...I wish there was something similar on fritz soft so for sainsmart shields...:(
Using the Adafruit Library with Fritzing

these vids...remember me your hard work...

Atlanteans thoughts or ideas or dreams... in atlantis way I'm closer Site...;-)

on the driver way.... i see this but i dont know if serve our purposes...


pd.. well ...end of the road to me...
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There's an interesting paradox that happens when someone who is preprogrammed in a certain way, and then is exposed to an alternate reality

First, they lash out in anger

Probably because on a subconscious level they know the contrary info has merit

However, over time the crack in the wall gets bigger

Eventually some will come around
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That's pretty badass to have a family wall of weapons! He ripped his adam's apple out? With his teeth? Christ, talk about a seasoned individual.
You and PetFlora are the Wormtounge and Saruman of LED growing. You guys and your magic rainbow machines. LOLTry not to kill anymore plants with your latest toy.

Even so ...
Still ,what exactly is your problem with that ..
( You know ,me and Pet being the Wormtounge and Saruman of LED growing. <= BTW ,that was a good one,really I mean it .I want to be the Wormtounge ..Let Petflora be the old Saruman ..LOL !!! )

And Fran ....Lights can not kill plants ,that easy ...(Maybe blue leds can,actually ...)

Anyway .That was a nice post of yours ...
I wish all your posts ,had that kind of critism and/or humor ...
I do not think that you 're really a 'bad ' guy ...
Neither I am ...
Still ,I do not get it ...

( Hey,wait a min ...I think it was YOU who said that the white Surexi's must be great ,ain't that so ? )

Why all this trouble and fuss ?
For something ,that from what it seems ,it works both ways ?
(I mean the monochromatics vs whites ..)
I do not seriously think ,that there's another reason ,that makes us 'enemies'
Is there ?

Anyhow ...
I'll leave you in your peace and serenity ...
I think we 've to get along ,somehow.
I do see not any real-life reason ,to spoil my day ,thinking about a guy ,on the other side of the world ,who
tries to make me feel bad and how I can make him feel worse ...
I mean ..

I'm ,eh ...
Not the monster I used to be ..
I admit that ..
I'm tired...
I'm weaker ..
I'm losing my memory ...
And I can't sleep ...

Star dust sailor my compliments to you that looks crazy good.. You should skunk it out with color

Might be kinda of silly thought of mine ...
But white reflects light ...
(yeah right ...How much light is that case going to absorb ? Since CXAs emit downwards ...
Anyway ..Silly thought of mine ...But I like that white ...Looks 'clean' and 'slick' ...
At least to my eyes ... )

BTW ,thanx for the compliments ...