Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow


Well-Known Member
This is where I'll post pics of my grow this year and any comments are welcome. I'm doing a legal grow in Colorado under Amendment 64 to our state constitution. I have previously grown as a caregiver under the medical marijuana laws of our state. While now growing under recreational laws, I am still growing for medical purposes so quality is my only real concern.

Planted my seeds on April 1:


Of the eight seeds, six made it up on day 3 and one more on day 4. Here is a picture from day 2 of seedling:

2014 seedlings.jpg

The Girl Scout Cookie suffered some damage in my scarification process. The outer brown paper thin coating came off! Not sure if it was a bad seed or incompetent scarification, probably the latter. As I only plan to run 7 plants this season, it saves me from having to make a hard choice.

I'm in a seedling starter soil currently and will transplant somewhere around 2 weeks into party cups with a little richer soil and myco fungi inoculation.

While these girls are headed to my greenhouse, they will live in the basement for a couple more months. I've got florescent bulbs right in their faces for now.

seedling setup.jpg
I used a 400W MH to germinate them, just to get the soil temp dialed into the 75-77f range by moving the light up and down until it was good. Switched to florescent after 48 hours and will go back to MH in a week or so.

I don't usually run a humidifier but with RH of 12% I cranked one up. Now in low 30% and I'm happy with that.

I'm brewing my first AACT in new vortex brewer and this will go on the 65 gallon smart pots I mixed up over the weekend to speed cooking up a bit. Probably 2 more months before these pots get used so should be plenty of time to cook.

Just completed adding two large windows to the back wall of my greenhouse so I think major construction is now done for the season!

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Thanks Bro! I think you click on the 'watch thread' button, maybe in upper right hand corner of page? Still trying to figure this new site out...liking it so far!
Thanks jointed and SF, glad to have you!

Not much doing with my seedlings above ground, here they are at week 1. Gave them each a very small amount of worm castings and a good soak today. Will likely do first transplant next week.

1 week.jpg

Spent today testing out a $40 mist system to try and get my summer temps under control. This test was a failure. Tried to run the mist with just a centrifugal pump that puts out about 10-12 feet of head. Was told this system needs 100 psi to perform optimally and if my calculations are correct I'd need something like 230 ft of head to make it work. So I'm looking at some low output high pressure booster pumps and will see if installing one inline does the trick. If not, I'm out of ideas for now. No running water so I have to get creative!

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And got my Tibetan Prayer flags hung nearby, so here's hoping for good Karma!

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Thanks jointed and SF, glad to have you!

Not much doing with my seedlings above ground, here they are at week 1. Gave them each a very small amount of worm castings and a good soak today. Will likely do first transplant next week.

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Spent today testing out a $40 mist system to try and get my summer temps under control. This test was a failure. Tried to run the mist with just a centrifugal pump that puts out about 10-12 feet of head. Was told this system needs 100 psi to perform optimally and if my calculations are correct I'd need something like 230 ft of head to make it work. So I'm looking at some low output high pressure booster pumps and will see if installing one inline does the trick. If not, I'm out of ideas for now. No running water so I have to get creative!

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And got my Tibetan Prayer flags hung nearby, so here's hoping for good Karma!

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you have some BEAUTIFUL views from your neck of the woods man im really Jealous!!! AMAZING SCENERY!!1
2 weeks since popping and time to transplant. Looking at root ball, maybe 2 days late, but all should be fine.

Here are some quick pics of my transplant procedure. Pic 1 shows one handful of recycled TLO/supersoil dropped in bottom of each cup. Pic 2 shows my main dirt for this pot: 5 parts Roots Organic, 1 part perlite, 1 part seedling soil. If this is too hot for some, I expect they will just stunt a little and grow through it. Pic 3 shows where I've made a little indentation for each one and sprinkled on some Mykos brand myco fungi. I also tried to sprinkle some on the root balls themselves but it didn't seem to stick very well. Used Great White Shark mycos last year and am excited to see how they compare.

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I put a thin layer of straight seedling mix soil around each root ball so that the roots can grow into the hotter soil and not be jammed up against it. This buffering process usually keeps me from burning my plants. All pots were topped off with a light spread of earthworm castings so it may look like they have less perlite than reality.

Here's a larger picture post transplant. A bit of an over-watered look and probably a little stressed. I should not need to water them for a good bit so that should correct itself in short order.

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The seed tray on the left are my Blood Red Moon Sewn Kosher Kush and Holy Grail (TM). Sewn during a blood red moon earlier in the week, these should be special. The KK just broke the surface this morning and should be showing cots by sundown. These are going to a friend so I am just fostering them until June.
Week 3 - 1 week veg

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Everyone took well to the transplant and vegetative growth started this past week. Leaves are greening up and starting to get a little shine so I know the roots are hitting the better soil. The only plant that showed signs of too much nutrient was the Kosher Kush, with just a slight downward hook. I will mix her next transplant soil just a little weaker than the rest and she should do fine.

This morning we did a bottom water of freshly mixed myco fungi. I brewed up a tea during the week to put down on my beds and aid in composting, so each plant got a small splash as well.

I'm getting a little more stretch than I'd like so it is probably time for a new bulb. Added reflectors at each end to compensate for now.

Plan to transplant again toward end of this week. Party cups will go to one gallon pots and Blood Red Moon seedlings will go to party cups.

Good stink coming off a few of them, with Acapulco Gold by far the stinkiest. Glad to be vegging as I can now detect a lot more changes in each plant from day to day. Starting to get fun! Another month and we'll get them to the greenhouse.
The TLO recipe is from the book Total Living Organics by The Rev and the supersoil recipe is the SubCool supersoil recipe. I'd list the TLO recipe for you but since it's from a book I don't want to infringe on his copyright. But similar to Subcools recipe, maybe a few more ingredients.

So what I amended was sort of a mix of the two with some old Roots Organics tossed in. I don't have a recipe for all that I added back but what I put in was at a much smaller ratio than the original recipe. A little steer manure, rock phosphate, large size perlite, blood meal, bone meal, kelp meal, feather meal, lime, worm castings, alfalfa meal, green sand, crushed oyster shells. Watered it in with some molasses water (1TBS of molasses per gallon).
Week 4 - 2 weeks Veg

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Sort of an up and down week. Early in the week, Kosher Kush (front left) and OG #18 (front right) both showed signs of over fertilization (downward hooked leaf tips). By Wednesday everyone looked a little off so I pulled one out of the cup and found a nice mass of roots curling at the bottom, probably a little root bound I concluded. Transplanted into 1 gallon pots a couple days earlier than I planned. KK and OG went into 1/2 starter soil, 1/2 Roots organic, with just a couple handfuls of super soil at the bottom of their pots. Everyone else went into super soil with lots of myco fungi sprinkled on roots and new soil. Topped with a light layer of worm castings.

Saw an immediate improvement in everyone. KK and OG leafs have started to flatten out. Green Crack (back left) is now showing a little sign of over fertilization so she may slow down a little while she adjusts. I started bending over stems last night but not tying them down. Just trying to stimulate a hormone release to bush them out a little more. This morning I was surprised to see them looking a little over-watered. They haven't been watered in 2 days so I'm thinking they are still waking up...we will see. Could also be an issue of them getting higher nutrient soil. Anyway, I am watching them closely even though I don't plant to do anything but let them dry out. My fan is out of the picture but on them 24/7.

Will transplant again in about 3 weeks I think. Should know in next few days if I put them in soil that is too hot too soon. Cot leaves are yellow or already off all of them.
FYI mirrors do reflect light, but not in the way your trying to use them. reflectix (water heater insulation). stands on its own and you can make a little temporary wall for the girls by putting it in a circle around them, stuff is at home depot or ace. check it out. or the styrofoam insulation sheets from homedeopt too, they have a reflective side and a white side too about $12 for a 4x8ft sheet.
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FYI mirrors do reflect light, but not in the way your trying to use them. reflectix (water heater insulation). stands on its own and you can make a little temporary wall for the girls by putting it in a circle around them, stuff is at home depot or ace. check it out. or the styrofoam insulation sheets from homedeopt too, they have a reflective side and a white side too about $12 for a 4x8ft sheet.

Thanks! These are just polished sheets of metal that someone was tossing out. Seems similar to mylar to me.
That's okay, they'll outgrow this set up shortly and I may place a couple panels per your suggestion.