topping my plant..


hey guys, my plant is a little over 5 months old, about 3 feet and 8 incill vegginghes tall, and bushy, still vegging, this things going to shoot up still more, i really want to top it, is it too late to do it? And is they any particular method i should follow? thanks..
How much room do you have to flower her? She'll probably double in height by the time she finishes. If you're gonna veg for a while longer, you could top her and take a bunch of cuttings. Then she will really bush out for ya.
How much room do you have to flower her? She'll probably double in height by the time she finishes. If you're gonna veg for a while longer, you could top her and take a bunch of cuttings. Then she will really bush out for ya.
She's growing outdoors in the terrace but don't want her to get any taller, bushy is ok, security concerns and yea i'm putting her into a 12/12 asap, and sorry this is my first grow so what do i do with the bunch of cuttings?

She's growing outdoors in the terrace but don't want her to get any taller, bushy is ok, security concerns and yea i'm putting her into a 12/12 asap, and sorry this is my first grow so what do i do with the bunch of cuttings?
You could start tieing her over to the side of the pot ... Wait a minute, you said on a terrace and security concerns?
dude , that's a done deal right there. You'll be able to smell her for a block away late in flower.

She's growing outdoors in the terrace but don't want her to get any taller, bushy is ok, security concerns and yea i'm putting her into a 12/12 asap, and sorry this is my first grow so what do i do with the bunch of cuttings?
How can you "put" her into 12-12 if she is outdoors?
Isn't that dependant on season?
You could start tieing her over to the side of the pot ... Wait a minute, you said on a terrace and security concerns?
dude , that's a done deal right there. You'll be able to smell her for a block away late in flower.
...the neibhours are pretty far apart, but i dont want them to see it, smell is not an issue, we have a bakery near it's cool!

P.S- I own the
How can you "put" her into 12-12 if she is outdoors?
Isn't that dependant on season?
i made this make shift black box out of garbage bags and cardboard..with one side open so i close it in from 7 pm to 7 am...i'm hoping it'll work...cant wait any longer, been almost half a year now :)

And about season, we have neibhouring lights on and street lights in the distance so, i dont think it'll ever get it's much needed darkness anyway, and in a few weeks, heavy rains
Just hope you have a low odor strain, cause that girl will reek when she's done.
You can start tieing her over to the side of the pot and slowly bend her over.
I would say supercrop, but it's your first grow so best to keep it simple.
you can top it until it starts to get buds . and YES you can grow out side and have 12/12 even in summer . think smart . if its in a pot and leave it in a wheel barrel or on wheels you can role it into a dark garage . for 12 then back out side . or put out side late so on . and you can make huge yields . and no waiting then entire summer to harvest
I see.. I hope it works out for you.
Be sure it is completely dark, get inside the box during the day, to see if any light leaks, or else you can end up with a hermie.