Doubletake 4000 watt grow (soil


Well-Known Member
Yea i notice about 10gal of evaporation from the res, so I'm sure if i did connect it the topping would stop.

See this is a concern i had before when this idea popped in my head. I instantly thought Bacteria.

Tried to look into this a little, it seem to be more of the opposite. Its when they are not exposed to intense lighting that they thrive and grow. But there are some variables. Heres a quote.

  • Temperature
"Early blue–green algal blooms usually develop during the spring when water temperature is higher and there is increased light. The growth is sustained during the warmer months of the year. Water temperatures above 25°C are optimal for the growth of Cyanobacteria. At these temperatures, blue–green algae have a competitive advantage over other types of algae whose optimal growth temperature is lower (12-15°C).

In temperate regions, blue–green algal blooms generally do not persist through the winter months due to low water temperatures. Higher water temperatures in tropical regions may cause blue–green algal blooms to persist throughout the year.

  • Light
Blue–green algae populations are diminished when they are exposed to long periods of high light intensity (photo-inhibition) but have optimal growth when intermittently exposed to high light intensities. These conditions are met under the water surface where light environment is fluctuating.

Even under low light conditions, or in turbid water, blue–green algae have higher growth rates than any other group of algae. This ability to adapt to variable light conditions gives cyanobacteria a competitive advantage over other algal species."

- CC:

W/ all that said… ima try it.. lmao
(some of the good things weed can dobongsmilie:hump::clap:
aah soooo water temps are more critical to the inhibition of algae growth???

I'm just hand watering
Fill a 5 gal bucket from the res mix in my nutes and then water. I still have the submersible pump and wand to water once everything is on the same schedule.


Active Member
Really good looking grow man, i just put my girls into flower last week. Im in a 5x10 tent with 15 girls in 5 gals under 2x 1000watts. Anyways, did you train any of these or do any lollipopping?


Well-Known Member
Really good looking grow man, i just put my girls into flower last week. Im in a 5x10 tent with 15 girls in 5 gals under 2x 1000watts. Anyways, did you train any of these or do any lollipopping?
Nice man what are your temps at and are you rocking a/c

Nice 15 should be good what is it like 3 rows of 5 plants?

Nope no training really I was going for a sea of green but they kinda blew up on me or else I would have.
I just pinched (super cropped) the bigger ones to try and keep the canopy low and tied 1 over.
Next time I'm doing a sea of green in two hydro ebb and flow flood trays 32 clones in the 4x8 tent (16 under a light) and just about no veg time. I'll just have to trim up a few inches on the bottoms of those mabey not even that.


Well-Known Member
Gosh got smashed by a 400 dollar electric bill today....fuckkkkk

Pics coming
There are discounts for growing and such there's also the care program I run 2 1000s and a flood and drain and a/c slash dehumidifier my bills usually 160-180ish


Active Member
Nice man what are your temps at and are you rocking a/c

Nice 15 should be good what is it like 3 rows of 5 plants?

Nope no training really I was going for a sea of green but they kinda blew up on me or else I would have.
I just pinched (super cropped) the bigger ones to try and keep the canopy low and tied 1 over.
Next time I'm doing a sea of green in two hydro ebb and flow flood trays 32 clones in the 4x8 tent (16 under a light) and just about no veg time. I'll just have to trim up a few inches on the bottoms of those mabey not even that.
Today it was was pretty warm and my temps got up to 84 degrees its almost always at 79 degrees though. Dont have an AC unit yet but i havent needed one yet. Probably will in the summer. Ive got a 440cfm inline pulling the hot air from both hoods, out the window. The 5x10 tent fills the entire damn room haha. But i was afraid to post that im actually running 18 right now. 3 rows of 6. Just got my buddies card up now so i guess its fine to say im over my script.

But yeah i did some fooling around with super cropping with my dutch treat. Shes fuckin tall. Ive bent her over a couple times now. Im also testing lollipopping on my entire crop right now. All of the lower nodes, probably 5-8 inches from the rim of the pot are gone which has made my life a lot easier as far as watering, air flow, etc.. Plants are thriving! Cant wait to see your harvest pics!


Well-Known Member
Today it was was pretty warm and my temps got up to 84 degrees its almost always at 79 degrees though. Dont have an AC unit yet but i havent needed one yet. Probably will in the summer. Ive got a 440cfm inline pulling the hot air from both hoods, out the window. The 5x10 tent fills the entire damn room haha. But i was afraid to post that im actually running 18 right now. 3 rows of 6. Just got my buddies card up now so i guess its fine to say im over my script.

But yeah i did some fooling around with super cropping with my dutch treat. Shes fuckin tall. Ive bent her over a couple times now. Im also testing lollipopping on my entire crop right now. All of the lower nodes, probably 5-8 inches from the rim of the pot are gone which has made my life a lot easier as far as watering, air flow, etc.. Plants are thriving! Cant wait to see your harvest pics!
Awh nice man your temps are staying nice eve. Without the a/c I think it's cause you have that window to vent out of my tent just vents into the garage so it heats up in there so I got the a/c going but even hit 86 yesterday with this fucking heat wave we are having.haha
Nice man I wanna lollipop some next time it is a hassle to water when you have all the lower branch crap.


Well-Known Member
Nope neither I just had two holes for two dryer we had so I got a split and used the one hole that I had to vent the ac and the ac is the only thing saving my ass or else this thing would be too hot already the sum like hits the door all day it just heats up without the ac.

Good think I'm switching the 1000s out to 600s so he ac won't be working to hard going from 4000 to 1800.


Well-Known Member
Some autos I'm doing so I can get some outdoor in July when it's dry as hell.
Northern lights by royal queen ( I love this strain done like 4 crops with it)
Got them into some 10GALLON pots trying to get some big ol girls.

The pics are the 7 I'm keeping g at my house then I'll have 35 over at my buddy's yard. image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member

Got a few more of the autos transplanted today and mixed a lot of soil but still have about 30 to go so I'll try and get up early and do it before it's too hot.

Supposed to be cooling down starting tomorrow so I'm pumped on that.

For the indoor everything is getting plump. The hairs are getting orange and some are looking close to done but I'm making myself go ATLEAST till Sunday that's day 1 of week 8 so mabey pull one or two to get my trim fix over haha. Then pull the rest the next weekend.

I'll get some pics up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man you sound spot on with how ya want to do it and, dayuuuuummmmmm 15 your ganna have some trees haha

I hope to have some trees in the dwc next round but am do torn between

No veg time sea of green in 2 4x8 flood tables or

The 9 dwc big girls....

I have 3 weeks to figure it out.

my SOG with no veg time. and my SOG with 2 weeks veg time.. the 2 week veg time. yielded 2 times more.. i noticed with no veg time.. the plants ended up a foot tall - 18 inches.. max.. and the yield was terrible compared to the 2 week veg time.. when i saw the difference. i never looked back SOG wise. but doing a SOG and Tree Run every other run helps make each harvest worth it . while the SOG is flowering the tree grow is vegging.. while the tree grow is flowering i take my moms and clone them while the tree grow is at week 2 i start the cloning.. by the time. im harvesting.. the clones are ready for SOG.. it works amazing.

good work .and good luck.

another thing.. when running autos. do not start in cups.. start in 3 gallons of soil.. 5 gallons MAX.. any more then 5 is a waste.. we did autos outdoors and were really disapointed.. but our yields from our 3 gallon pots.. and our 15 gallon pots.. was the same on the Autos..

autos like to be started in big containers.. the second they find the end of the pot they usually start to flower very shortly after.. but ive found that its just genetics.. u gotta find huge yielding autos.. and start them in the same pots they are going to finish up in..

hope all works out.. hoenstly. still looking for an auto that can hit 4-8 oz a plant.. we didnt hit over 3 with over 10 diff kinds of autos.


Well-Known Member
man it must be a pain in the D. waterin all those red cups. ive never run an auto. do they just flower whenever the fuck they feel is good or is there some kind of time frame?


Well-Known Member
man it must be a pain in the D. waterin all those red cups. ive never run an auto. do they just flower whenever the fuck they feel is good or is there some kind of time frame?
Most usually flower right after a month of growing so around week 5 from sprout you start seeing hairs so I just say a month veg time pretty much
There cool to do outside for a early crop without having to light dep them since they just auto, but yeah there consistent 11 to 12 weeks from sprout don't believe any less even if the seed componey try and say they do ( like 60 days or less that's just not realalistic.


Well-Known Member
Had to pull 2 of the smaller clone plants they couldn't hold there buds up and one of the ones main stem snapped so I grabbed them they looked done anyways all orange hairs only a couple white
I don't have a scope or I'd check the trich heads.

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