Club 600


Well-Known Member
Just came back from the doctor. Same old shiit... Primcillin did not help, infection numbers is the same as last week. So now i get some broad spectre antibiotica for the next 10 days..
Im so tired of my stinkin health and my own lack of effort to do somaboutit :(
Sry. Back to flying cows :)

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
each part of the country has it's own weather issues, it's hurricanes and tornadoes.

I used the add water as needed principal and they are looking good.

I had a mountain valley kush that was a beautiful sativa styled plant that was one big three foot cola from top to bottom that I didn't have a clone, so when I harvested I left some leaves at the bottom and threw her into veg. It's three weeks later and she is full of new sprouts.....and I still haven't watered her. As a full grown plant she was drinking 9 ounces of water a day and when harvested she was full and hasn't been as thirsty because of less leaf structure.
I've killed too many re-vegs by over-watering.



Well-Known Member
Thats just crazy! I remember we had a record high storm in 98´ and i was out on my rollerblades. Tells you how rough it was :) Some people did die tho from collapsing buildings and things flying of roofs..
Just got a sample of some hashish. Dont know what it is. Its sticky and looks like a "stoner". Nighttime meds but ill start now :)


Well-Known Member
And just got a call from Guitar Center: my strings & bass fx pedal arrived and are awaiting pick-up!
So I'll be suiting up and hitting the road after lunch to pick them up.
Will be trying a different modified fuel map on the scooter today to see if I can get a little more top end without losing mid-range.


Well-Known Member
the whole world is mad....our company website has been hacked 7 times, lol....some Iranian group of hackers....pathetic nobodies really.


Well-Known Member
did ya'll see where internet explorer has been hacked? Homeland security is issuing alerts to not use IE...... you need to change your browser to either firefox or chrome....and change your passwords.

yea i been on the chrome for a min,
i swear i use to see my mouse move by itself,on IE.

i know it's companies out that can do just that,control your computer without you.
i had to do it not long ago.