It's the aluminium T-profiles, 1m long, 30x30x3mm.what heat sinks are you using?
It's just so expensive to get a extruded multi-finned bars of the length of the canopy...then to get enough of them for the width.
I have always wondered how the simple T is working for you. I see you have the fans blowing down the lines. Do you have an idea of the jT's? Or just general thoughts on heatsinks. Your design is the closest of all the diy members to what I would want to do with my own, and heat sinks have been a weak spot in my plan.
Yeah I agree, that's what I like about his design == simple and cost effective. Seems that active cooling is necessary though, wonder what the max wattage is per meter and maintain proper jt?
No need to go for a multi-finned heatsink...aluminium panels...GO!
AKA the Hans option? Btw I always wondered how effective a fan can be when it can't really blow properly. Won't a little standoff improve things?
Yip....not as thick at the hans though
I have thought of 'risers'....but dont know how tall to make them...any ideas on this?
still really digging your cab design. T profile doesn't seem to be carried by the two big hardware stores here in the states - aluminum angle and C-channel is readily available. Do you think either would as good a job as the t-profile?
Caretak3r- You could take 2 L's and bolt them together with a 5 mm spacer for even better cooling than a T.
Awesome set up dude. I'm about to build one of these myself. Just wondering how to mounted them to the heatsink? Also I'm gonna be using 25 vero 10 4000k. Would the mean well driver you used worked for me and give me that awesome efficiency?