Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
There has been a lot of changes around here. While it may aggravate some, I love the way people breaking the rules are being dealt with. I also like that if someone directs a negative comment toward you or personally attacks you it gets removed promptly. They key is to report them and not respond, cause if you respond it makes more work for the mods.

The thing I enjoy the most about the new layout is the ignore feature.
Man that thing is nice..
I get you but we're all adults here. Don't get me wrong some stuff can be a bit much but for the most part it's a good community here that policies itself pretty well.

Sites like reddit are so popular because you can say (within normal human type reason) whatever the fuck you like. We shouldn't be censoring riu more, it was well run before just a bit buggy.

Lets just chill out and shoot the shit like adults. People say mean shit to you in real life, what do you do?


Well-Known Member
I get you but we're all adults here. Don't get me wrong some stuff can be a bit much but for the most part it's a good community here that policies itself pretty well.

Sites like reddit are so popular because you can say (within normal human type reason) whatever the fuck you like. We shouldn't be censoring riu more, it was well run before just a bit buggy.

Lets just chill out and shoot the shit like adults. People say mean shit to you in real life, what do you do?
I'm all for people speaking their mind and having an opinion. What I'm not ok with is when people personally attack you for no reason or call you names or attack your family.

The trolls that I'm referring to wouldn't have the balls to say the shit they say to me on here in person. Also, the people that speak that way about others more than likely have already been put in their place and that is the reason why they sit behind a computer and don't go out talking that same nonsense they spew anonymously.


Well-Known Member
Which trolls are giving you shit? Let's have some names so we can keep an eye out for them.
I don't feel the need to put anyone on blast, I'm above that.
The ignore feature works great so there is no need to mention any names.(not that I would anyway)

It works like this: If someone was to direct a question at me and I don't respond(ever), that means you are on ignore.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for people speaking their mind and having an opinion. What I'm not ok with is when people personally attack you for no reason or call you names or attack your family.

The trolls that I'm referring to wouldn't have the balls to say the shit they say to me on here in person. Also, the people that speak that way about others more than likely have already been put in their place and that is the reason why they sit behind a computer and don't go out talking that same nonsense they spew anonymously.
Well, yes and no.

Don't you fuck about verbally with friends at home. Don't you try and make them laugh or embarrassed?

I was nervous about posting here initially. Some can be incredibly cruel to gay people online but what I saw at riu was a pretty accepting group who could joke, laugh and fight together regardless of background.

Yeah some people say dumb shit but no one gets hurt.
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Well-Known Member
Well, yes and no.

Don't you fuck about verbally with friends at home. Don't you try and make them laugh or embarrassed?

I was nervous about posting here initially. Some can be incredibly cruel to gay people online but what I seen at riu was a truley accepting group who could joke, laugh and fight together regardless of background.

Yeah some people say dumb shit but no one gets hurt.
Ah I get what you mean. I guess since I've spent a lot of time in politics I see it more often than most. Shooting the shit is one thing, especially when it is between mutual friends that know each other and wouldn't cross that line.

I'm not referring to friends, I'm referring to people who don't know you but put labels on you anyway for their own personal amusement.

Yes, people do get hurt. Imagine someone saying negative shit about your family wishing ill things would happen to your children or future children. Imagine your family being taken away from you in a fire and you have people laughing about it and saying you are a murderer.
You think that is innocent play?


Well-Known Member
Yup that'll be too much all right but you know what? They are horrible humans and now every rational person who reads that has them tagged as a fucking cunt.

Don't let other people's stupidity make you emotional. It makes no damn sense.

Edit : I need to ask though. All that stuff about children and fires, that actually happened on here right? Because if it didn't you've just ruined your whole argument. You can't just make up wild hypotheticals to try and prove a point.
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Well-Known Member
Yup that'll be too much all right but you know what? They are horrible humans and now every rational person who reads that has them tagged as a fucking cunt.

Don't let other people's stupidity make you emotional. It makes no damn sense.
Thanks, but I've been over it for a long time. It was more difficult with the last layout of the site and trying to avoid specific users, cause every time they post it still showed up and created unneeded clutter.

Works great now. If a user posts something that you have on ignore it doesn't even show up and if someone quotes them, it doesn't show what they said and if they made a thread it doesn't show up in the list.


Well-Known Member
Bear destroyed bird feeder right under kitchen window and made off w/ contents of our garbage can. Little shit. Have never come this close (that we know of) to house in 20 years. This is the downside of not having a dog anymore. Guess Mr. Hooka will be taking out the garbage tomorrow….


Well-Known Member
Bear destroyed bird feeder right under kitchen window and made off w/ contents of our garbage can. Little shit. Have never come this close (that we know of) to house in 20 years. This is the downside of not having a dog anymore. Guess Mr. Hooka will be taking out the garbage tomorrow….
Fuck bears!! Scariest thing round here is an angry fox or maybe an aids pigeon or two.

Can you shoot them?


Well-Known Member
Friend sent me this....

Festival 8 years ago, I took too much k and passed out. So this video and a few others are pretty much my memory of that day.

The joy he gets from reminding me of this is beyond what anyone would consider normal human levels.

Edit : Better example of early artics imo....

Fuck, that was a good gig!! Up to the point my legs stopped working.

Edit : wonder how many videos I would need to post before sunni bans me?

Sorry, one last song. I promise.

Haven't listened to any early stuff in ages, this live blew me away...

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Well-Known Member
:finger: F-U Mother Nature !! So sick of cloudy gloom and rain !! It F'ing snowed today:cuss:.....I just want to be outside!sick of bundling up in warm or rain gear to excercise the dogs.not to mention I have some plants ready to go out,outgrowing there current home....:wall: