

Active Member
okay I made a mistake and put the outdoor plant in a shed for 3 nights of 12/12. Then I found out here I'd have to do it for 2 months and stopped.

Now the new growth is turning bright yellow and the yellow is not so slowly slowly moving back into the older growth.:spew:

Have I killed it?

Can I save it?

Can you help?


Well-Known Member
It'll just go back in to veggie, but for the yellowing it could be not enough light..are you sure your doing this right?


Active Member
It'll just go back in to veggie, but for the yellowing it could be not enough light..are you sure your doing this right?
LOL! Well I think I was. It was thriving - 5.5 ft tall - until I decided to mess with the 12/12.

But I was told it would go back to veg unless I did it for 2 months and that was too much exposure for me.

So I stopped the 12/12 and left it out in its spot.

I will say that there's been no real sun since then until this afternoon.

Two days of rain and clouds.

BTW your avatar pretty much matches my state of mind right now.
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Well-Known Member
LOL I love my avatar..That could be your prob...Give it a couple more days or even a week to regenerate itself...Keep us posted on any new resultz!!


Well-Known Member
i believe yellow happens when you begin flowering because the plant is using all its energy to bud heh dunno if thats true