Write down his reasons since they are not medical. Also get him to refer you to some other doctor in BC or Ontario. Get as many rejections as you can for non-medical reasons. Have the reasons in writing or record the session and bring your fiend with you to the appointment so 1 other person knows that the conversation is being recorded. This gives you protection later if you have to go to court. It also gives you a basis for your own personal fight later.Yes, it's really bad in Alberta. I was at my neurologist today and we had a very lengthy discussion about how the college is tying his hands even though he would love to be able to sign his patients up. He understands that a natural way of treating yourself is much better than pumping your body full of chemicals. Then he asked me to give him as much info as I have or can find about how Marijuana can benefit people with my condition. It was a great visit to say the least.
Get a Sativex(thc cbd 1:1 ethanol tincture) script from him and a Nabilone (Synthetic THC)script with him and say it is so you can use your cannabinoids as medicine without offending people. Since smoking bud will possibly be limited to part of your day where it is possible. If you are at work or indoors for long periods of time you need an alternative. Then take your scirpt to the pharmacy. Give the script to them and have them file it and don`t fill it out dont pay for it. You will then have 2 alberta scripts for cannabinoids written by a doctor in Alberta and prove that the system is hyprocritical. This will also allow you to make tinctures or edibles since it is under the reccomendation of a doctor and you couldn`t possibly afford the 300 dollars for the sativex.Oh, I didn't get rejected by him. I have my license. We were just talking about how it's basically impossible for him to give any new patients their paperwork to sign up. I tried for 6 years to get into the MMAR but was met with rejection by doctors saying they would love to but can't since the college here in AB has been basically instructing doctors to not allow their patients to access MMJ for quite some time now. I eventually wound up going through Greenleaf but unfortunately missed out on the MMAR and had to go into the MMPR. My doctor was very intrigued and asked me to give him all the information I could on Skype clinics and MMJ. He's a very open minded man but unfortunately his hands are tied but now he knows about alternative routes for his patients to get the medicine they want and that he wants to give him. He even showed me some Sativex samples he had and told me he thought it wouldn't compare to the real thing.
This is very true and necessary .Write down his reasons since they are not medical. Also get him to refer you to some other doctor in BC or Ontario. Get as many rejections as you can for non-medical reasons. Have the reasons in writing or record the session and bring your fiend with you to the appointment so 1 other person knows that the conversation is being recorded. This gives you protection later if you have to go to court. It also gives you a basis for your own personal fight later.
Well said DanThis is very true and necessary .
The letters of refusal are of utmost importance when your constitutional and charter rights are being violated.
You tried to secure your right to liberty ,while exercising your right to health
Oh and special thanks to a compassionate doctor....Marcia Gillman
This is very true and necessary .
The letters of refusal are of utmost importance when your constitutional and charter rights are being violated.
You tried to secure your right to liberty ,while exercising your right to health
Oh and special thanks to a compassionate doctor....Marcia Gillman