Killing Oil Prices


Active Member
Just to share the easiest method to produce CO2 concentrate:
2 pipe wrenches
CO2 tank DOT3 1800psi hydrotested
Everclear or 200 proof moonshine
I just unscrew the CGA320 valve when the tank is dead. Place 84-112 grams of weed in a 20lbs co2 tank, add ethanol in the amount of 180 grams. Place a tiny wad of cotton in the CGA valve and place a ¼" not fitting cut flush w the CGA valve to prevent the cotton from being pumped through. The method we will use is liquid co2 being pumped in a high pressure vessel as a high pressure gas and at co2's liquid state. This isn't a passive method either, so no patents to be violating anybodies stepped on toes. What your going to do is find a fill station as exchanges wouldn't work in this instance. Get your tank pumped for $15 costing less than $25 for the extracting of a qp. Very high quality stuff is made in this way, always beating the expectations of bho fanatics. There is a double edged sword here, carbonic acid exists only in a solution as w co-solvents. Its a weak acid, but will not pass the screening part labeled Heavy Metals and will test for steel or aluminum in ppm's as part of the extract. It is this basis for recreation use and perhaps the turning point as peoples standards should suddenly change for the snobbier, high class, all of a sudden not wanting bho extracted from a PVC tube as a more conscience consumer is now closer to being created. So the answer is simple, Stainless Steel.
So the answer is simple, Stainless Steel.

i find your stuff very interesting and 'follow' what i can. I'd probably have to read a bunch of stuff on gasses, boyle's law, etc to refresh and expand my knowledge base.
I have noticed you receive hostility from some quarters here. I don't find that to be very sensible . I am not here to measure mine against anyones but to learn and have a bit of fun. i fail to understand the 'attitudes' you've received. seems foolish.
Last winter i took leftover shake and ran it through stainless steel and made bho. not anymore. i really think you are onto something. I wish i had notes. when i sourced the stainless, i found out that there are a variety of grades. I believe this has to do with certain metals, perhaps lead, being present in stainless. i understand this is why cities moved off galvanized steel to plastics/iron. I think it would be most helpful to share your knowledge of stainless grades that would be appropriate. i had no problem getting it welded and have two tubes mothballed now. I'm saving shake for down the line.

I, for one, would encourage you to forge ahead and hope to see some interesting stuff to learn and apply.
good luck and thank you for sharing this
i hope to see more
he gets treated a certain way because he talks alot and never backs it up. his best oil, assuming anyway as it was his avatar, perhaps it was up for another reason....anyway only oil I've seen looks like shit. he talks shit about other people's methods while trying very hard to sound smart, but half of what he says is innacurate. which is what frustrates me. I could care less if he runs his mouth all day, but not everyone actually knows chemistry and some believe him...

anyway keep doing your thing mkr, you inspire us all to keep moving forward
Interesting, like I see BHO extractions. Due to all of the flaws I see in these methods, keep in mind, this is just my opinion, I don't have any experience with BHO, just going by what I have seen. I can't imagine why anyone would go through all of the inconveniences with BHO or this CO2 method. There is no way that I can picture the oil coming out premium for vaporizing. Why? because the weed, buds, mj, is going to be soaking in the alcohol for who knows how long. The time to get to the filling station, you may have to wait, and there could be a lot of traffic that day. That seems more like a high pressure CO2 alcohol extraction. Again, just going by my first impression and observation.

With BHO, I don't understand when people add alcohol to it to winterize and other things I have read about. Why would you want to go through the butane extraction BS if you are going to add alcohol to it anyway?

Many of these methods I see as being extremely expensive and far more dangerous, with the product being no better if not worse than a basic 99% iso or 190 proof or higher grain alcohol extraction method.

I apologize if I am just being ignorant to other methods. I have seen some really cool pics. Pictures tell a little, but do not tell all. I have seen pics that I would put on my top 10 list, but unfortunately when sampling the oil from the pictures, I was very disappointed. It looked beautiful, but looks aren't everything, there was no buzz behind the pretty oil. I believe it was due to overheating to where the THC simply evaporated, but yet, did not burn.

So far, all I have made is oil for the last three years. It has been one year now combustion free. I am perfectly happy with alcohol extractions. For smaller quantities, 2 ounces or less of material, I like to make QWISO hash or QWET or whatever. For larger quantities, 1/4 pound of material or more, I will only make RSO, because it is easy to get rid of all of the alcohol fumes quickly and safely doing the process outdoors. Another good thing with RSO, in regards to vaporizing with electronic equipment, any mess or leakage, simply wipe it with your finger and eat it. In other words, no waste!

Pictures do help to verify that what you speak is what you do.
Jyndustries is corrupting your heads about co-solvent use claiming vapor pressures aren't significant to use, when in fact they bump up solvents vapor pressure to whatever the scf pressure is. Ahhh, that's how co2 is used.
Perhaps it's why he's looking to cash out on me since the industry isn't going to cash out and use his methodology. It's just to small time, yield and batch size. Little does he know, he doesn't monopolize the market, nor do we answer to his application process, as use of SCF is encouraged. So why make a how to video and recommend Don't Try This at Home?
Interesting, like I see BHO extractions. Due to all of the flaws I see in these methods, keep in mind, this is just my opinion, I don't have any experience with BHO, just going by what I have seen. I can't imagine why anyone would go through all of the inconveniences with BHO or this CO2 method. There is no way that I can picture the oil coming out premium for vaporizing. Why? because the weed, buds, mj, is going to be soaking in the alcohol for who knows how long. The time to get to the filling station, you may have to wait, and there could be a lot of traffic that day. That seems more like a high pressure CO2 alcohol extraction. Again, just going by my first impression and observation.

With BHO, I don't understand when people add alcohol to it to winterize and other things I have read about. Why would you want to go through the butane extraction BS if you are going to add alcohol to it anyway?

Many of these methods I see as being extremely expensive and far more dangerous, with the product being no better if not worse than a basic 99% iso or 190 proof or higher grain alcohol extraction method.
Just to share the easiest method to produce CO2 concentrate:
2 pipe wrenches
CO2 tank DOT3 1800psi hydrotested
Everclear or 200 proof moonshine
I just unscrew the CGA320 valve when the tank is dead. Place 84-112 grams of weed in a 20lbs co2 tank, add ethanol in the amount of 180 grams. Place a tiny wad of cotton in the CGA valve and place a ¼" not fitting cut flush w the CGA valve to prevent the cotton from being pumped through. The method we will use is liquid co2 being pumped in a high pressure vessel as a high pressure gas and at co2's liquid state. This isn't a passive method either, so no patents to be violating anybodies stepped on toes. What your going to do is find a fill station as exchanges wouldn't work in this instance. Get your tank pumped for $15 costing less than $25 for the extracting of a qp. Very high quality stuff is made in this way, always beating the expectations of bho fanatics. There is a double edged sword here, carbonic acid exists only in a solution as w co-solvents. Its a weak acid, but will not pass the screening part labeled Heavy Metals and will test for steel or aluminum in ppm's as part of the extract. It is this basis for recreation use and perhaps the turning point as peoples standards should suddenly change for the snobbier, high class, all of a sudden not wanting bho extracted from a PVC tube as a more conscience consumer is now closer to being created. So the answer is simple, Stainless Steel.
When people try this, they think, Im gonna show that co2extractor some real shit, forgetting it's nan entry level extraction. They would need to revert to something I haven't seen in order to show me up, unless they use strait bud. At this level, there isn't pictures showing a pretty oil, its dark, rich and super smooth w a sweetness so distinctively honey oil. So someone try the recipe and post their views on the subject.
I apologize if I am just being ignorant to other methods. I have seen some really cool pics. Pictures tell a little, but do not tell all. I have seen pics that I would put on my top 10 list, but unfortunately when sampling the oil from the pictures, I was very disappointed. It looked beautiful, but looks aren't everything, there was no buzz behind the pretty oil. I believe it was due to overheating to where the THC simply evaporated, but yet, did not burn.

So far, all I have made is oil for the last three years. It has been one year now combustion free. I am perfectly happy with alcohol extractions. For smaller quantities, 2 ounces or less of material, I like to make QWISO hash or QWET or whatever. For larger quantities, 1/4 pound of material or more, I will only make RSO, because it is easy to get rid of all of the alcohol fumes quickly and safely doing the process outdoors. Another good thing with RSO, in regards to vaporizing with electronic equipment, any mess or leakage, simply wipe it with your finger and eat it. In other words, no waste!

Pictures do help to verify that what you speak is what you do.
I am
The tank must be emptied in an upside down position in a tall collection container that is not sealed as so the gas can escape, ice plugs happen, and a collection of yellowish green snow is captured then cook off 180 grams of carbonic EtOH.
Jyndustries is corrupting your heads about co-solvent use claiming vapor pressures aren't significant to use, when in fact they bump up solvents vapor pressure to whatever the scf pressure is. Ahhh, that's how co2 is used.

I am curious of the CO2 method. What exactly is doing the extraction, the fact that pressurized CO2 is very cold or is it the pressure itself and CO2 is just the preferred gas vs. compressed air?

I know there must be much hidden information in regards to pressurized marijuana. Our state drew up a bill regarding mj in a gaseous form. That appeared to have the most restrictions on allowable quantity.

Just off the top of my head, I can't help but to think that the extract is removed with pressurized gas, kept in a pressurized state, pumped into little inhaler bottles, and potentially pharmaceuticals will be using them. Just the first thing that came to mind when I read the draft of the bill.
we do have mj inhalers in development.. pretty awesome

That's cool!
I have some really good ideas rolling around in my head. Might just be my next project...

Edit: Actually why I clicked on this thread was because of the title. I took it as what is lowering oil prices or something like that.
I feel that oil prices are lower than what I can make it for myself. I can purchase oil cheaper than I can make it, but it wouldn't do me any good. I don't think I would get a buzz off of what I have seen. I make my oil with my best buds, organic grow, and sometimes I do the extraction with grain alcohol. Just winterizing iso oil can really add up. It can cost quite a bit. I don't think I would pay for my use, I would surely reduce it! As long as I am doing it for myself and can afford it I will keep doing it.
As for getting rich off making oil, well, I think that is for the hustlers.
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So go on, and lets see how jyndustries like my methodology for free. Now go be good little extractors and pump out oil that makes me proud. Yes, it's just one of my signature methods, but its substandard due to heavy metals, do not ingest orally to cure illness. This is w intent to be dabbed.
he gets treated a certain way because he talks alot and never backs it up. his best oil, assuming anyway as it was his avatar, perhaps it was up for another reason....anyway only oil I've seen looks like shit. he talks shit about other people's methods while trying very hard to sound smart, but half of what he says is innacurate. which is what frustrates me. I could care less if he runs his mouth all day, but not everyone actually knows chemistry and some believe him...

anyway keep doing your thing mkr, you inspire us all to keep moving forward
Thanks qwizoking,
Appreciate the run-down.
Is it safe to say that i can stick to iso @ 99%, while following safe procedures, and evaporate on glass? Seems the safe and reasonable option for a home hobbyist like me. Again: always being safe considering the danger of flammable vapours.
yes you can evap on glass, very slowly and carefully.

back in the old days... we used to splash a few drops of the golden (brown at the time) ISO mix onto a glass mirror, and light it on fire!!!! repeat until it was all gone... crazy and stupid!!