Boots n pants n boots n pants."riding the worm" is my second favorite sexual position, right behind "doing the deep deep dish combo mambo".
Well, what a doctor becomes is determined by the residency they take.i'm a little bit lost on this post here.. are you trying to say that all surgeons got better grades in medical school and that's why they're surgeons, and not baby doctors? i had always thought pretty much all doctors have a choice as to what specialty field they decide to go into once they make the cut?
my sister is a nurse, and she always says this.. what do you call a dr who graduated last in his class? dr.. this holds true i'd imagine for surgeons as well as a p.c.p.. just because they're a surgeon it surely doesn't mean they were any smarter then the dr delivering babies, but maybe rather he / she has a better aptitude at being a surgeon ..
Me holding that something hinders another thing is totally not the same as me saying it totally prevents it.Let's not play word games here. This, along with your belief that the vast majority of what are recorded statistically as rape are not, (don't make me keep quoting you) certainly point to what you are getting at. You are dancing as close as you can to saying it with out just stating it bluntly. I'm not mistaken for interpreting it the way I did.
To say you are arguing that makes more sense than to say Strax argued that women do not know rape from consent.
You made quite an absurd statement which was completely different from the thing you accuse him of denying here. Yes, a woman knows the difference between a rape and consent.
However, you are arguing that conception can not occur in the case of rape.
Do you really want to stick with this fallacy? I'll be happy to serve you up some rude logic if so.
Well, what a doctor becomes is determined by the residency they take.
Your "family doctor" and ER docs were very often the lowest academic performers who graduated in their class.
Surgery (some), radiology and a few other specialties pay significantly more.
Because of that, selection into residency programs to train those fields are significantly more competitive.
So yes, while the old adage "c=md" is true, not all doctors are created equal.
The ER doc made significantly lower grades than the cardiac surgeon in med school.
That's not necessarily true.Well, what a doctor becomes is determined by the residency they take.
Your "family doctor" and ER docs were very often the lowest academic performers who graduated in their class.
Surgery (some), radiology and a few other specialties pay significantly more.
Because of that, selection into residency programs to train those fields are significantly more competitive.
So yes, while the old adage "c=md" is true, not all doctors are created equal.
The ER doc made significantly lower grades than the cardiac surgeon in med school.
Me holding that something hinders another thing is totally not the same as me saying it totally prevents it.
As to everything else in your post, I'm not sure how to comment.
You are trying to say I'm saying something, but not telling me what it is you think I'm trying to say.
There are quite a bit of fake rape allegations, and you are bashing me for bringing this up?
A false allegation of rape destroys a man's life much more than an actual rape destroys a woman's.
I would say it is 50/50 on the occurrence of both.
That's not necessarily true.
Some doctors want to do diagnostics. To blatently make up something like 'ER docs made less grades in med school', is just dumb. You have ZERO information regarding why ER doctors chose to be ER doctors. Maybe some didn't want to do more school, maybe some went to med school to BE A GP.
Your comments are nothing more than baseless assertions that have no footing in reality. Your sample size of one, (your sister) tells us absolutely nothing.
I would rather have the best diagnostician diagnose me than the best surgeon.
That's not necessarily true.
Some doctors want to do diagnostics. To blatently make up something like 'ER docs made less grades in med school', is just dumb. You have ZERO information regarding why ER doctors chose to be ER doctors. Maybe some didn't want to do more school, maybe some went to med school to BE A GP.
Your comments are nothing more than baseless assertions that have no footing in reality. Your sample size of one, (your sister) tells us absolutely nothing.
I would rather have the best diagnostician diagnose me than the best surgeon.
Sky my love. You deserve this heart. <3i know ER doctors and several surgeons as well as those with family or internal medicine practice..the track they took has more to do with what they like and the rush rather than their grades..although grades do play an important part they are not the sole determining factor.
I wish you the best of luck, and all my positive vibes are incoming! You are going to do awesome.i have 2 finals this morning and what am i doing? with you fine people
wish me luck!
Me holding that something hinders another thing is totally not the same as me saying it totally prevents it.
As to everything else in your post, I'm not sure how to comment.
You are trying to say I'm saying something, but not telling me what it is you think I'm trying to say.
There are quite a bit of fake rape allegations, and you are bashing me for bringing this up?
A false allegation of rape destroys a man's life much more than an actual rape destroys a woman's.
I would say it is 50/50 on the occurrence of both.
Diet coke. Radios. American Public schools. You lose .. Next.Corn syrup. Television. Prussian school system. I win. Next.
Diet coke. Radios. American Public schools. You lose .. Next.
Thesaurus. Sore loser. You lose the most. Next.Sychophantism. Cognitive dissonance. Tyranny of the majority. I win again. Next.