derp herp derr, herp derp a hur

Yeah, one is often intimidated when exposed to an intelligence greater than their own.

But look at it this way, in reality, you're no dumber than you were this morning.

that is nonsense, If I read something that is so dumb that by reading it I actually become dumber I am in fact dumber.

In reality I can not become dumber just because I read something, just like a woman's body does not know the difference between having sex and being raped. But it is clear that you have a hard time with reality and you do not know anything about my intellegence.
Honestly, I'd appreciate it if you eased up off my back about it.
that is nonsense, If I read something that is so dumb that by reading it I actually become dumber I am in fact dumber.

In reality I can not become dumber just because I read something, just like a woman's body does not know the difference between having sex and being raped. But it is clear that you have a hard time with reality and you do not know anything about my intellegence.
Honestly, I'd appreciate it if you eased up off my back about it.
Apparently you aren't as smart as you think you are. Stress hormones.

Even animals that are slaughtered have a different flavor if they know they're about to be killed.

You're position is a woman's body notices no difference between a romantic encounter with her chosen partner or a violent rape by a stranger is absurd.
you win.... I am not coming back to the Politics section.

Just don't say dumbass shit like women can't tell if they're being raped or not.

You made quite an absurd statement which was completely different from the thing you accuse him of denying here. Yes, a woman knows the difference between a rape and consent.

However, you are arguing that conception can not occur in the case of rape.

Do you really want to stick with this fallacy? I'll be happy to serve you up some rude logic if so.
You made quite an absurd statement which was completely different from the thing you accuse him of denying here. Yes, a woman knows the difference between a rape and consent.

However, you are arguing that conception can not occur in the case of rape.

Do you really want to stick with this fallacy? I'll be happy to serve you up some rude logic if so.
If I actually said that, you'd be correct.

Unfortunately for you, you have once again taken something I've said, ignored it, and given me a different statement.

It all started with Mr Akin talking about pregnancy and legitimate rape.

I said pregnancy was less likely following a violent (what I think Mr Akin meant by legitimate) rape.

I then said it didn't matter much because pregnancy can still result from such things.

I've never said rape can not create a baby.
A rape reduces chances of conception.

The body acts in ways to hinder conception for attack type rapes, she don't get horny.

Let's not play word games here. This, along with your belief that the vast majority of what are recorded statistically as rape are not, (don't make me keep quoting you) certainly point to what you are getting at. You are dancing as close as you can to saying it with out just stating it bluntly. I'm not mistaken for interpreting it the way I did.

To say you are arguing that makes more sense than to say Strax argued that women do not know rape from consent.
One of them is my sister in law. She is a surgeon. ... which basically means that she made better grades and worked harder than the doctors who deliver babies. She swears emphatically that it's true. She has no penis and is a mother of two.

What bearing does it have, however, on the validity of the claim if made by a male physician?

i'm a little bit lost on this post here.. are you trying to say that all surgeons got better grades in medical school and that's why they're surgeons, and not baby doctors? i had always thought pretty much all doctors have a choice as to what specialty field they decide to go into once they make the cut?
my sister is a nurse, and she always says this.. what do you call a dr who graduated last in his class? dr.. this holds true i'd imagine for surgeons as well as a p.c.p.. just because they're a surgeon it surely doesn't mean they were any smarter then the dr delivering babies, but maybe rather he / she has a better aptitude at being a surgeon ..
i'm a little bit lost on this post here.. are you trying to say that all surgeons got better grades in medical school and that's why they're surgeons, and not baby doctors? i had always thought pretty much all doctors have a choice as to what specialty field they decide to go into once they make the cut?
my sister is a nurse, and she always says this.. what do you call a dr who graduated last in his class? dr.. this holds true i'd imagine for surgeons as well as a p.c.p.. just because they're a surgeon it surely doesn't mean they were any smarter then the dr delivering babies, but maybe rather he / she has a better aptitude at being a surgeon ..

if scrubs is to be believed, and it very well is, surgeons are the dumb jocks of the hospital and would not last ten minutes in rounds.